Staten Island Hate Crime Goes Unreported After 9 Feral Black Teens Assault 62 Yr Old White Man For No Reason

An older (62) White man no longer wants to live in New York after being violently attacked and assaulted by a pack of 9 violent black teenagers, while just walking down the street in Staten Island. He probably looked at them funny or something.. That’s all it takes nowadays to lose your life. This should be all over the news, but all you hear from the leftist fake news propaganda networks is crickets.

You won’t see this hate crime on the nightly news – or any news for that matter, because the Deep State powers that be don’t want you to see the out-of-control crime problem in America that Biden, Harris and the democrats have caused.

This wasn’t just one crime, it was many race hate crimes rolled into one event. Every single person who attacked the man is guilty of at least one hate crime.

When the story does finally get out, they will make excuses for the teens, instead of calling the crimes what they actually are – “racially motivated hate crimes committed against a 62 year-old white man by a menacing pack of black teenagers”.

Apologists and liars on the left will claim that the older name used the N word, as they typically do – because claiming that someone was racist towards you appear to be the “Get Out Of Jail Free” card that all black people play after being caught committing crimes against others. Sometimes they even commit race hate crimes against themselves, like Jussie Smollett, and somehow still try and blame it on some conservative using the N word.

Even if these criminals are caught, they won’t be charged, they’ll be released within a few hours, and it won’t be reported anywhere because the Deep State democrats prefer to sweep it under their rug, and unfortunately the Deep State controls the corrupted media and everything you see, read or hear.

Personally – and I know many other people who feel the same way – I think every one of these kid’s parents should be held partially-accountable for the crimes committed by their kids. If you raise feral kids, and unleash them on society, you should be punished.

I hate to break it to anyone who doesn’t believe what we’re saying, but the honest truth is that the democrats are the most racist group on earth. The vast majority of people on the left, who act like they like black people, only do so because they need your vote. But after you cast your vote for the democrat, they would quite literally spit in your face. After all, the democrat party IS THE party of Slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK, and most of the Confederates that fought to keep you in slave chains were democrats. Hating black people is engrained in the democrat pea-brain.

It’s a dangerous world out there, and getting more dangerous with every day that passes, due to weak-on-crime Soros prosecutors being installed everywhere. At the very least this video shows how you can be a victim at any time of the day, and why everyone should take some firearms classes and arm themselves.

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