Georgia Election Will Be Much More Fair Now That Voter ID’s Will Be Matched To Voter Roll Numbers

Georgia is now requiring the total number of ballots cast in their elections to be compared to the number of unique voter ID numbers, and they are unable to certify an election if things don’t match up. If they find weirdness, they have to get to the bottom of the problem before the election can be certified.

“For each precinct, the board members shall compare the total number of ballots cast to the total number of unique voter ID numbers. In any precinct in which the number of ballots exceeds the number of unique voters, the Board shall determine the method of voting in which the discrepancy exists. The Board shall investigate the discrepancy and no votes shall be counted from that precinct until the results of the investigation are presented to the Board as required in GA Code$ 21-2-493(b).”

So, they’re really only making sure that there aren’t more votes than actual voters. That is awesome! Isn’t that the way it should be in EVERY state? How can ANYONE justify being against this, unless your goal is to try and steal elections using fraudulent votes??

The democrats don’t like it at all! The democrats want it to be possible to have 1,000,000 votes cast in a district that only has 300,000 voters, and for that huge problem to be overlooked and ignored. “Nothing to see here!”


I find it quite amusing that democrats fight like hell every election cycle to prevent common sense ideas from being put in place which would make elections harder to steal. Why would the democrats want to make it easier for criminals to steal elections?

The reason why democrats are against voter ID laws are the same reasons why democrats are against everything else that can clean up the election process. Mainly, it just makes it harder, and easier to prove, when the democrats try and steal their next elections.

The democrats have gotten very good at stealing elections using rigged voting machines, early voting, ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots, drop boxes, paying illegal aliens to cast votes, and especially making sure that voter rolls across America contain millions of fake or dead people, who will all vote for democrat candidates.

We need to do away with every single one of the democrat’s cheating methods to prevent future elections from being stolen – and if that were ever to happen, America will start to learn the truth about what the democrats have been doing, and they will never be in power again.

The Georgia Election Board has approved a new regulation requiring election workers to verify that the total ballots cast match the total number of unique voter ID numbers recorded in the system, with a 3-2 vote.

This regulation is designed to confirm that every vote in the state is legitimate, ensuring any irregularities are fully investigated before finalizing the election results.

As reported by former RNC official and Trump’s spokesperson Liz Harrington, this rule is expected to significantly change the way precincts manage election returns.

Under the new regulation, if a precinct is found to have more ballots than unique voter IDs, counties must delay certifying election results until the potential fraud is thoroughly examined and resolved.

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