HAHAHA!!! Watch this whiny pussy leftist/communist streamer, Steven ‘Destiny’ Bonnel, openly calling for the murder of Republicans, playing video games, and saying how he might have to go back to Nebraska to get his gun to participate in killing Conservatives.
“I’m ready for the great cleansing dude. When we genocide Conservatives in this country.” – Steven ‘Destiny’ Bonnel
Steven Bonnel is a complete fucking pussy loser, who thinks he’s tough because he plays a game where he kills people, but the nutless pussy would get his head shot off if he tried to engage in a real gun fight. Apparently, Steven ‘Destiny’ Bonnel doesn’t realize that Conservatives in America are soldiers, hunters, police officers, and sport shooters who have far more guns than liberals – and actually know how to use them! That would seriously be the shortest civil war in history. One-two days maybe..
“I’m never apologizing for the way I treat conservashits in this country.” – Former Kick Streamer Steven Bonnel
Whenever any conservatives see this piece of shit out in public, you should go over and fuck with him as much as possible. Go ask him if he wants to kill you, and see what happens. I bet he would run away like the worthless pussy he is.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org