Dana White DESTROYS Peloton – ‘Don’t Fucking Tell Me Who To Vote For’ – Removes Peloton Bikes From UFC Gym

Peloton has pretty much been in the dumps since it’s launch, and we foresee them going under in the very near future.

Dana White – Do we have Pelotons in the gym? Are those Peloton? No, no.. the bikes next to it? Yeah we’re getting rid of them. Yeah we’re getting rid of the Pelotons. Pelotons are out of the gym.

Dana White – That’s what you do. That’s what you do. You stop fucking using their products and you.. Fuck them!

Theo Von – If somebody’s telling you that you can’t vote a certain way, if somebody’s telling you that if you’re bosses make a video and fucking blast them

Dana White – Imagine that fucking dork, yeah.. fucking picking up the phone calling you and telling you that you can’t have Robert Kennedy, who is a Democrat by the way, you know that guy’s a fucking democrat. Oh yeah, right.. Telling you that you can’t fucking have him on your show? Who the fuck are you, Barry McCarthy? To think you can pick up the phone and call anybody.. You sell fucking stationary bikes for a living, you fucking clown. Fuck You!

Dana White – I’m not bullshitting you. You can film us. Yeah, my guys are going to take the Pelotons out of the gym today. We’re getting rid of them, we’re gonna go throw them in the ducking garbage today.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org