For democrats, like the sick ass “lady” in this video, killing babies has become a sick right of passage, and they feel the need to kill babies in order to be good leftists.
“I love killing babies! I love it! I’ve had like 45 abortions, and I’m going to keep having them!”
I doubt that the nasty skank has actually had 45 abortions, but I’m sure she would if 35 guys actually wanted to stick their dicks in her. For anyone who did actually fuck that thing, I hope they doubled-up on the condoms!
Either way, if I was there and heard her say that, I probably would have literally puked right on that disgusting nutjob’s face.
You know what they say about girls with nose rings, right? “Girls who wear a ring in their nose will never wear one on their finger.” because you disgust most guys.
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