Stupid, Shitty Police Officers Like These from Pfleugerville Texas Are The Reason Why People Mistrust / Hate Police

It’s shitty police like these Pfleugerville Texas Police officers that make people mistrust all police, even the ones that are out there doing their jobs the right way.

The police officers abused their power to hold this guy until a drug-sniffing dog, and then ran the dog around his car not once, not twice, not even 3 times. The officer ran the drug-sniffing dog around the car 4 times, and into the open driver side window, and the dog was far more interested in sniffing the ground than sniffing the car. Listen to how many times the officer askes him about drugs! Each time, getting the same answer, that “there are no drugs in my car.” which was correct.

These so-called officers obviously have no clue that it is against the law for them to extend the traffic stop longer than what is needed to finish dealing with the reason for the initial traffic stop to wait for the drug-sniffing dog.

The incompetent police officers don’t even know what the stickers on the license plates should look like!

These idiot police don’t know shit. They take a couple-hour class on drug investigations, and then they think they are drug experts and start harassing people regarding the possibility of having drugs.

When you have an interaction with the police, be respectful, but don’t have a friendly conversation with members of the police. They are not your friend, and you have no obligation to have a conversation with them.

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