After waiting for six months to see the autopsy report for the unarmed Mom murdered by Capitol Hill Police and uniformed Secret Service agents, we now learn that, despite the false reports that the police released to try and cover their asses, she was not on any drugs at all. Not even any prescription drugs.

Unarmed Mom Murdered by Capitol Hill Police Was Shot in Back of Head – Autopsy Proves No Drugs in System
We always learn that you don’t shoot someone in the back, let alone shooting an unarmed mother in the back of the head, while her kids are still in the car.
Looks like the police officers who shot the unarmed mother, and then tried to cove it up, need to answer for their crimes.
First they called her a terrorist threat.
When she turned out to be an unarmed suburban mother, they said she was on drugs.
Now, WND has exclusively learned, without a trace of doubt, that was wrong, too.
WND can also now report Miriam Carey was shot in the back of the head by U.S. Capitol Police officers and uniformed Secret Service agents six months ago, on Oct. 3, 2013.
The official police investigation still has not been released. But Carey family attorney Eric Sanders obtained the toxicology and autopsy report on this macabre anniversary.
The report showed there were no drugs in Carey’s system, prescription or otherwise, when she was shot dead.
The report was prepared by Dr. Nikki Mourtzinos of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the District of Columbia.
After the terror threat was discarded, the media had tried to portray Carey as mentally unbalanced, citing prescription medications she was reportedly taking.
Sanders spoke to WND at the Garfield traffic circle, on the edge of the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, which is where the Carey family believes Miriam was fatally wounded before driving a few blocks farther.
And Sanders believes the autopsy report provided the evidence proving that theory, because it showed that Carey was severely wounded in the back of the head. Sanders suspects that was the fatal shot, but adrenaline allowed Carey to drive to Maryland Ave. and Second St., where her car crashed at a Capitol Police guard shack.
The report said Carey was shot numerous times but did not specify exactly how many.
When Miriam’s sister, Valarie Carey, learned that her sister was shot and killed from the back, the former New York Police Department sergeant was too distraught to speak with WND on camera.
The video below shows officers fired at least seven shots at Carey in a crowded public space after they inexplicably failed to block her car at the traffic circle.
Columnist Mark Steyn memorably remarked, “Ms. Carey does not appear to be guilty of any act other than a panic attack,” and, “We are told Ms. Carey was ‘mentally ill,’ although she had no medications in her vehicle and those at her home back in Connecticut are sufficiently routine as to put millions of other Americans in the category of legitimate target.”
But now, it is a certified fact that Carey did not even have prescription drugs in her system when she was shot to death.
Even before that confirmation, it became clear months ago that there was no good explanation for why Carey was shot, and the story disappeared entirely off the mainstream media radar.
In fact, no media other than WND showed up Thursday to a press conference Sanders announced. The event marked six months since the bizarre and deadly chain of events that were set in motion after Carey strapped her baby girl into the back seat of her black Nissan Infiniti in Stamford, Conn., and drove 270 miles to Washington, D.C.
Upon arriving, she apparently made a wrong turn into a White House entrance, tried to leave, was chased by heavily armed officers and ultimately shot dead by police in the shadow of the Capitol.
Why she was killed is a mystery to this day because, according to the initial police report, she never crashed a security gate or a barrier, though media reports claimed she had.
Read the initial police report on the Miriam Carey case, Page 1 and Page 2.
She simply tried to make a U-turn and leave.
Yet, uniformed Secret Service agents and U.S. Capitol Police officers tried to stop her, then hunted her down and shot her to death.
And to this day, a half-year later, no one knows why.
Carey’s care after she was shot to death near the Capitol on Oct. 3, 2013
The official investigation into the incident, conducted by the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department and turned over to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, has still not been released.
And the Carey family is tired of the excruciating wait for answers.
When WND asked Sanders if he had any idea why the official investigation still had not been released, the former New York Police Department officer said, “I am just as curious as you, and I’m trying to understand it from a law-enforcement perspective.”
“The shooting is not complex. It’s very simple. They have all the evidence. They have video,” he said. “What’s taking six months? I don’t understand this. It’s not that complex.”
He said the Carey family called the news conference to make their feelings known and because, “Six months have passed and there still is no official version of what happened to Miriam Carey. And she matters.”
Sanders also had a word of warning: What happened to this unarmed, suburban mother could happen to anyone.
“The people of this country should be very, very concerned when the police feel like their actions are beyond reproach,” he said. “That’s not what the framers of the Constitution intended.”
When Carey was shot to death by federal law-enforcement officers on Oct. 3, they were initially treated as heroes and even given a standing ovation in Congress.
But then WND began asking questions about what exactly happened, and the mainstream media narrative began to unravel.
At first, police justified their actions because they presumed Carey posed a possible terrorist threat. When it turned out she posed no such threat and, in fact, was a suburban mother with her child strapped into the back seat of her car, officials defended their actions by saying they essentially had no choice but to shoot first and ask questions later.
But WND consulted with law enforcement and civil-liberties experts and learned that not only were those police actions contrary to the policies of most major police departments, they were probably unconstitutional.
Constitutional law expert and famed civil libertarian Nat Hentoff told WND it was a plain case of murder.
WND contacted 87 members of Congress to inform them about the misconceptions, unusual circumstances and unanswered questions surrounding the death of Miriam Carey and has yet to receive a single response.
“Well, if it’s not on their agenda, no one wants to talk about it,” Sanders said. “How do you justify shooting an unarmed woman?”
He added, “How do you justify shooting at a car as it is driving away? Everyone knows, but it’s not politically correct to say it was unjustified.”
Sanders and the Carey family have now begun their own attempt to get the government to listen.
“We have a petition urging Congress to finally do its job and investigate – to see what happened in this shooting. Obviously, we don’t want it to conflict with the criminal investigation,” Sanders told WND.
The attorney noted that just recently, Congress had finally begun to show at least a little interest in the case. On March 23, members of the House Appropriations Committee asked a smattering of questions about Carey to Capitol Police Chief Kim Dines.
“His comments are laughable,” is how attorney Sanders described the chief’s statements after he defended his department’s use of force in the deadly shooting of Carey.
Dines told members of the House Appropriations Committee that the high-speed car chase from the White House to the Capitol involved a “very, very quick, very fluid set of circumstances.”
But Sanders wasn’t buying it. The attorney, who represents the Carey family in a $75-million wrongful death claim against the Capitol Police and the Uniformed Division of the U.S. Secret Service, disputed what his clients saw as the “shoot first, ask later” approach used by federal officers.
Sanders said he was certain officers didn’t follow training guidelines.
“If he’s telling me that’s the way law enforcement officers are trained in the District of Columbia, especially Capitol Police, then Congress and the rest of the district should be afraid, because that’s not how you want your police officers responding,” observed Sanders.
Dine justified his officers’ deadly response by telling Congress, “These officers are out there every day putting their lives on the line and they have to make split-second decisions, and it’s easy for any one of us to obviously sit here and second guess them.”
Sanders reminded WND that he has a law enforcement background and speculated the reason the chief responded that way was likely because “what law enforcement tends to do is close ranks. If he’s so confident in his statement, they could have released the policy already. It’s very easy.”
The attorney was referring to the Capitol Police Department’s official policy on the use of deadly force, which has not been made public.
Sanders provided WND with a copy of the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department’s guidelines on the use of force, “because it would only make sense that the Capitol Police and Secret Service would operate under similar guidelines.”
The Metro Police guidelines read:
- “[N]o member shall discharge a firearm in the performance of police duties except to defend himself or herself or another from an attack which the officer has reasonable cause to believe could result in death or serious bodily injury.”
- “No member of the the Metropolitan Police Department shall discharge his/her firearm … at or from a moving vehicle unless deadly force is being used against the officer or another person. For purposes of this order, a moving vehicle is not considered deadly force.”
That last point is critical. Because a moving vehicle is not considered deadly force, Carey would be legally considered both unarmed and not a threat. Nonetheless, she was shot and killed by officers.
When Rep. James Moran, D-Va., asked Dines if officers should have shot at the tires rather than the driver – especially considering Carey was unarmed and had her baby in the backseat of her car – the chief responded, “There’s a lot of opinions out there, but most of them are wrong and uneducated.”
Initial reports after the shooting indicated Capitol Police officers may have had difficulties communicating with Secret Service agents on an antiquated radio system, and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., asked Dine if the radio system had hindered the department’s response.
That system was finally replaced in March, but Dine said it had not been a problem on Oct. 3 and that officers were able to communicate using a two emergency channels.
U.S. Capitol Police Chief Kim C. Dine
Five days after the shooting death of Carey, however, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, expressed alarm that the faulty radio system might have been an issue.
“If these communication failures are in fact accurate, it is extremely concerning that this problem still has not been resolved after years of experience with such situations, as well as billions of dollars spent to resolve our weaknesses in interoperable communications systems,” said the former chairwoman and ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
But Valarie Carey, Miriam’s sister, told WND she believes a bigger issue was inexperience on the part of the officers who killed Miriam.
Valarie was concerned officers may have panicked, and she suggested they might not have ever experienced such a situation.
“The more experienced an officer is, the better equipped that officer is to address the situation, even if there had been a problem with radio contact,” she said, recalling her own law enforcement training. “If someone can’t decide when to take someone’s life, they should not be put in that position.”
At the end of January, attorney Eric Sanders informed WND he had filed the $75-million claim against the U.S., the uniformed division of the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Capitol Police for “numerous intentional, grossly negligent and reckless actions of police officers, supervisors, managers and other related employees.”
Sanders said that after months of waiting for the release of the official investigation and after an exhaustive review of all publicly available data, the Carey family has concluded the shooting was not justified.
The suit maintains Carey was still alive after she was shot numerous times by officers and then taken to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead.
Carey was mortally wounded by gunfire during the chase, according to the suit. But, out of panic, she continued driving until she finally came to a stop and was taken from her car, a few blocks away from the initial shooting.
The suit said the incident began because Carey “mistakenly drove past the first guard post at the White House entrance because the entrance was negligently maintained, covered and supervised by police officers, supervisors, managers” and others, and then tried to make a lawful U-turn to leave.
However, according to the claim, “for some inexplicable reason,” instead of simply allowing Carey to leave, a police officer “without provocation or legal justification, inconsistent with his or her police training, negligently and recklessly threw a bicycle rack at the vehicle, striking it.”
The suit goes on to maintain that Carey had not violated any law and, therefore, police had “no legal basis to stop her or use any amount of physical force against her.”
Sanders claims officers endangered Carey’s safety, not the other way around. He contends the ensuing car chase also endangered the public, outweighing “the benefit of investigating a harmless mistaken entrance through the White House entrance gate.”
Sanders has filed the wrongful death claim on behalf of Carey’s mother, Idealla, Carey’s estate and her 1-year-old daughter, who was in the backseat of the car during the chase and, apparently, during the shooting. The suit is seeking $25 million for each claimant. Sanders said the suit is to compensate the family for their “great loss of a daughter, mother, friend and confidant.” But he insists the case is about more than the death of just one woman. He said it represents a threat to the rights of all Americans.
“Somehow, the Bill of Rights did not apply to Miriam. Miriam’s life did not seem to be so important. Thus far, Miriam’s death is being treated as simple collateral damage in the government’s zeal to protect itself from terrorism,” Sanders said.
He said that zeal should not eclipse the importance of human life.
“The framers of the United States Constitution fought for, died for and demanded it. We should expect no different in today’s society either,” he said.
Sanders, a former New York Police Department officer, has told WND numerous reasons why he believes officers should never have fired at Carey.
- Media reports claimed Carey tried to ram a White House gate or barrier with her car, but the initial police report did not mention an attempt to ram anything;
- The police report said Carey tried to make a U-turn after arriving at a White House checkpoint;
- She apparently broke no laws until fleeing after being confronted by heavily armed guards;
- Police justified the shooting out of fear Carey might be a terrorist, but Sanders pointed out, if officers feared Carey had a bomb, that would be reason not to shoot at her;
- Additionally, WND found information that officers would have known within minutes that Carey was not a terrorism threat;
- Sanders and law enforcement experts also told WND the policy of most major police departments is to never shoot at moving vehicles;
- Non-lethal means, such as tire spikes, apparently were not used to try to stop the car;
- Non-lethal means, such as pepper spray or a Taser, apparently were not used to subdue Carey before officers shot her to death;
- Video showed officers shooting at Carey in a crowded public space at least seven times after officers inexplicably failed to block her car at a traffic circle.
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