#BoycottDisney Disney is a horrible company that PRETENDS to be putting out wholesome content for kids, when in reality, the truth is that Disney programming is either grooming your kids to be sexually abused by pedophiles (many of whom actually work for Disney), or trying to turn your kids into transexuals or gays.
This new danger to all kids is why Disney stock is down about 50% in under a year, and the company has apparently lost over $150 BILLION!
Any and all Disney programming is highly damaging to your child, and all children. This is why THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DISNEY PROGRAMMING ALLOWED IN MY HOME! (or any of my sibling’s homes as well)
Just look at how many sicko Disney employees have been busted trying to have sex with underage kids lately – if my memory is right, there have been 8-10 sick-ass Disney pedophiles arrested just this year alone – and we feel that is not even touching the tip of the Disney Pedophile Iceberg!
Also, watch how Disney CEO grovels to sick groomers and child molesters in the video below.
NEW: Disney CEO Bob Chapek grovels, apologizes, and pledges to “be a better ally for the LGBTQ+ community.” He delegated the company’s moral authority to the “LGBTQIA+ Advisory Council” and now those internal activists have taken him as an ideological hostage. pic.twitter.com/efOSOmb47a
— Christopher F. Rufo
(@realchrisrufo) April 7, 2022
Disney Re-Hires NAMBLA ‘Pedophile’ Loser Director James Gunn to Make Movies for Kids
Large companies inevitably have scores of metrics they use to gauge how well they are performing. Elements such as workplace safety, customer satisfaction indices, and employee engagement survey results are just a few examples of what a major corporation might track to ensure things are going in the right direction. A woke company such as The Walt Disney Company has undoubtedly established a multitude of ‘equity’ and ‘diversity’ standards as well. Such is the world we live in.
But make no mistake – at the end of the day, after all the peripheral issues have been examined by a company, and once the dust settles from the fluff of the tangential priorities being pushed by its various departments, there is nothing more important to Disney or any other company than the reports that come one group: Finance and Accounting.
If a company’s financial performance is up to par, executives might focus on “employee sensitivity” initiatives and “social responsibility” objectives. But if a company’s income statement starts to tank, those secondary concerns get put aside in a hurry. And after all their wokeness and virtue-signaling, the Disney Company now has a financial dumpster fire on its hands.
According to Bloomberg News, shares of Disney stock this year have dropped by a remarkable 28% as of Friday, only one-third of the way through the year. As Breitbart explains, 23.5% of that decline has come since the beginning of March, around the time when Disney CEO Bob Chapek inexplicably decided to bow to the wokesters in his company and pick a fight with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Since that time, Disney has lost the special autonomous privileges in Florida that had previously made their operations there akin to the Vatican and the rest of Italy. They’ve lost over $60 billion in market capitalization. And Disney stock is the single worst-performing stock making up the Down Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) during that period.
For a company on the DJIA, these results are catastrophic, and there’s little doubt that America’s rejection of wokeness is a driving force. Consider this video of Chapek and how such fawning plays with a majority of Americans:
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org