MSNBC’s latest flop of a host, Ronan Farrow, was laughingly given the “The Cronkite Award For Excellence In Television Political Journalism” after only his third day of broadcasting.

New MSNBC Flop Host Ronan Farrow Given The “Walter Cronkite Award” On 3rd Day of Broadcasting Career
The Walter Cronkite Award website states the purpose for the award as follows:
“The Cronkite Award For Excellence In Television Political Journalism encourages and showcases substantive and innovative coverage that informs viewers about their electoral choices.”
Who wins an award for “substantive and innovative coverage” on their third day on the job, unless the award is a sham? The answer is – Nobody. Maybe stupid liberal jackasses will give him the Nobel Peace Prize as well..
The “Walter Cronkite Award” is obviously a liberal sham, and if the award wasn’t already known as a total joke around the world, it sure as hell is now! I would be embarrassed to all hell if I was Ronan Farrow, which I thank God that I am not.
Man, this is just pathetic. If you haven’t seen MSNBC’s latest show, “Ronan Farrow Daily,” it’s most likely because no one has. But he’s definitely the new “it-kid” as far as liberals are concerned. Ronan recently earned a Walter Cronkite Award, which was bestowed upon him on only the third day of his broadcasting career. Think Obama and his Nobel Peace Prize. And that came on the heels of a glowing New York Times puff piece that predicted the 25-year-old will be a future president. Oh, I can’t wait. Actually, let’s change the law so he can run in 2016! Can we???
Now in his third week at MSNBC, Ronan delivers to us a supposed “news report” so laughable that you almost have to commend him. On the same day that NBC News released polling showing that Barack Obama’s popularity has plummeted to new lows, Mr. Farrow has decided to take us on a little trip to Kenya…you know, just to prove to us that someone in the world still loves Barry.
“Kenyans still love Barack Obama. Everyone in Kenya emulates him,” declares one woman. Another interviewee shares his love for our Dear Leader with a catchy song.
So, there you have it. Even if a majority of Americans has decided that the 44th President of the United States is fairly worthless, there’s always Kenya. Ironically, it also happens to be the last geographic location on Earth that Democrats would have mentioned during the 2012 presidential election (do you hear that, Donald Trump?). But desperate times call for desperate measures, and, you know, Ronan Farrow is on a mission to save the universe or something.
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