Race-Baiter Colin Powell went as far as to say that the GOP has a “dark vein of intolerance”, forgetting that the KKK was started and manned by mostly Democrats, including some that were in the senate until just recently. Check it out on Wikipedia if you don’t believe us.
And conservatives are the ones who are intolerant? Get a clue Colin!
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott decried the suggestion of intolerance in the Republican Party and instead characterized the GOP as the Great Opportunity Party during an appearance Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
Scott was asked about comments from fellow Republican Colin Powell a year ago that described a “dark vein of intolerance” in the party.
Scott disagreed with the statement and said his first introduction to the Republican party was through a mentor who taught him “there’s a way out of poverty that does not include athletics or entertainment.”
“The first blush I had with politics at 16 years old, 15 years old was a conservative guy who thought that the future could be very bright for a kid in a single parent household if he had the right tools,” Scott said.
Scott, one of only two black senators and the only black Republican senator, also responded to comments from William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP, who accused Scott of being a puppet for the Tea Party.
“He wasn’t there when I was growing up in a single parent household, struggling through high school,” Scott said. “He wasn’t there when I was running for Congress against long odds.”
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