Don’t believe the democrat’s most often repeated lie, that conservatives are racists because it’s provable bullshit. The democrats are the true racist slavemasters, and anyone with half a brain could figure it out for themselves – if they wanted to.
Take Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for example, whose families each were racist slave owners – each owning many, many slaves – though the fake news enemies of the People will continuie lying until they can’t lie anymore – and even then they will try to change the lie to make it more believable.
It is a proven fact that Kamala Harris’ family and Joe Biden’s family each were slave-driving racists who bought and sold slaves, and made money off the backs of black people.
You could say that neither Kamala Harris or Joe Biden would be where they are right now if their families hadn’t exploited all of the slave labor to make them money.
Harris, Biden and the democrats all got so used to making easy money off the backs and work of others that they have continued using the democrat’s new slave plantation, and illegally selling their offices to make themselves, their families and friends all very rich.
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