Holy shit! A fat violent psycho leftist animal, named Jaydon Hayden, filmed himself committing hate crimes and violently attacking helpless senior patients in a Detroit nursing home, and it’s one of the most disgusting and wrong things I’ve ever seen!

Worthless Violent Animal Jaydon Hayden Beats Helpless Nursing Home Patients & Deserves to Die – TODAY!!!
It takes a tough guy to beat up on helpless people who can’t fight back, and this lard ass pussy democrat actually got his jollies beating a sick old man bloody… and in the second video, the retarded fat fuck was actually beating up an OLD WOMAN! fucking convict! Let’s see the fat fuck attack someone who can actually fight back!
And what makes it worse is that the criminal tub-o-goo actually filmed himself committing the violence – and I hope someone sees it that can’t help but teach the worthless animal a lesson!
The Detroit Police have indicated there has been an arrest in this atrocity. No name, no picture and no indication of the citizenship status of the arrestee. This video will remain pinned here until they offer that information. What are they hiding? pic.twitter.com/Dzs8QYykIv
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) May 21, 2020
Look at the fat snaggletoothed turd though… what a total fucking loser! I bet Jaydon Hayden has never been with a girl, and soy-boy Jaydon Hayden is obviously such a nutless pussy, he’d get his fat head torn off if he tried attacking anyone who was able to stand up, so the worthless pussy has to attack senior citizens, stuck in bed at nursing homes.
It turns out there's another video of the male nurse beating another victim. pic.twitter.com/xWFmLKARZF
— Mathijs Koenraadt (@mknrdt) May 21, 2020
I’m so fucking pissed off after watching those videos of Jaydon Hayden beating helpless elderly people that if I had the fat piece of shit in front of me, I would beat that worthless fat pussy within an inch of his life, and then some! I’d lay that fat fucker out faster than he could say “Cheeseburger”, and anyone with a soul would do the same!
These were definitely hate crimes and should be prosecuted as such!
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