Former Republican Joe Walsh is a stupid TDS inflicted pussy, and complete fucking loser, who went against his party to join the treasonous democrats in their failed coup attempts against President Trump, has turned into a crybaby over the fact that he fucked himself by being a traitor to the RNC.
Walsh has realized that he is no longer welcome in the Republican Party, or in the midst of conservative people, who all probably want to kick the worthless pussy straight in the nuts.
Walsh also knows that he is not a democrat, and that democrats only accept him when he is balls deep with the Fake News liars against President Trump.
Does this worthless pussy want our pitty? What the fuck does he want? Whatever it is, he can go fuck off, because I’m pretty sure the majority of Americans don’t give a shit about Joe Walsh, and would like to see him go away for good.
So.. Joe, why don’t you just go kill yourself. I think Bill and Hillary Clinton may be bale to help.
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