Spike Lee is a house slave to the racist democrats, and the worst kind of traitor to the Black Race – a traitor who KNOWINGLY misleads the people who believe him into supporting the enemy of their race.

Democrat House Slave Spike Lee Is Traitor to Black Race By Knowingly Supporting the Party of Slavery, KKK
The #1 enemy to all black people are the democrats (Confederates), who are responsible for slavery, the KKK, and most atrocities committed against black people throughout the history of America.
“You put them first and they put you last.. ’cause you’re a chump.. A political chump! time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two thirds of the government and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you’re not only a chump but you’re a traitor to your race.” – Malcolm X about the democrat party before they assassinated him
If ANYONE is a house slave, it is not the people who support President Trump, it is the clown Spike Lee, and the gullible idiots who believe Spike Lee’s bullshit and lies.
Hollywood director Spike Lee took to Instagram to attack a group of black Donald Trump supporters, essentially comparing them to house slaves.
On Monday, the BlackkKlansman director remarked on a photo of several black civic and religious leaders praying with President Trump inside the White House. Lee used the photo as an opportunity to attack both the president and his guests.
“Massa, We Love You, Massa. We Gonna Pray Fo’ You Massa”. Singing- “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” Lee wrote smearing the Trump supporters with racial language; “massa” being how some slaves referred to slave masters.
The photo Lee used on his post came from a meeting, of black Trump supporters last Thursday in the White House where they laid hands on the president and prayed with him.
“In every field, every generation, and every calling, African-Americans have lifted up our nation to new heights — and, like all citizens, you are entitled to a government that puts your needs, your interests, and your families first,” Trump said during the event.
But recent polls find that there is growing support for President Donald Trump in the black community. For instance, a recent survey of black voters found that support for the president has grown by 50 percent and a large number are unhappy with the Democrat Party.
It appears that Lee is insulting many more Americans than he realizes.
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