Well, KKK blackface Virginia Gov Ralph Northam’s anti second amendment legislation has gone down in flames – for now – as some democrats voted with the Republicans to protect the constitutional rights of Americans. The democrats will never stop trying to take away our right to own firearms, so they will try again.

KKK Blackface Virginia Gov Ralph Northam’s Anti 2nd Amendment Legislation Defeated With Democrat Help
But for now it looks like “Virginia Is For GUN Lovers” – people who love America and the constitution!
Tens of thousands of Second Amendment supporters attended a pro-gun rally in Richmond, Virginia in January
The Democrats in Virginia are pushing for gun control legislation and KKK-Blackface Governor Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency to ban guns at Monday’s rally.
Northam banned all weapons from inside the Capitol Square on Monday citing “credible and serious threats,” but did not elaborate.
The rally has been peaceful and a law enforcement source tells The Gateway Pundit that an estimated 25,000 people attended the rally on Monday.
Sheriffs at the pro-gun rally were seen holding a sign that read, “We Support the Second Amendment.”
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org