Creepy Grandpa Joe Biden is done – he may hand around for a while, but he has no chance of being elected.
Creepy Grandpa Biden is not only very old, crazy and obviously becoming senile, but Biden also has many bad medical conditions that disqualify him from being President of the United States.
Biden has a cerebral aneurysm, a bad heart, and is being treated for A-fib with an irregular heartbeat, and with the addition of very high cholesterol, the man is a walking massive heart attack or aneurysm waiting to happen.
The American People will not elect a creepy, lying, gaffe master with one foot in the grave. Trust me!
The doctor for Joe Biden released a report detailing the health of the former vice president, concluding that although he is currently being treated for four different ailments, he is “fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.”
According to his personal physician, Biden is currently being treated for A-fib, or an irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, acid reflux, and seasonal allergies. Despite the irregular heartbeat, Biden’s doctor said he “remains completely asymptomatic” and has never required treatment for the disorder since being diagnosed in 2003.
“Vice President Biden is a healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State, and Commander in Chief,” O’Connor wrote.
For his heart condition and high cholesterol, Biden is prescribed two separate medications. He also takes two over-the-counter drugs for his acid reflux and allergies, with the latter resulting in “several sinus and nasal passage surgeries.” His doctor, Kevin O’Connor, said the acid reflux results in Biden “having to clear his throat more often.”
The Tuesday report by O’Connor, a professor at George Washington University, is the first glimpse into Biden’s health since 2008 when he was chosen by Barack Obama to be his vice president. O’Connor has been Biden’s physician since 2009 when the two served in the White House.
O’Connor noted that Biden currently “works out at least five days per week,” and “does not use any tobacco products [and] does not drink alcohol at all.”
The report makes no mention of any declining cognitive ability or mental function, issues that his critics have alleged are responsible for him routinely misspeaking or rambling on the campaign trail. The report also neglects to mention his subconjunctival hemorrhage, which caused his left eye to fill with blood during a September televised town hall hosted by CNN.
O’Connor also detailed Biden’s long history of surgeries and hospital admittance, starting in 1988 when he suffered a cerebral aneurysm. That aneurysm resulted in surgery and a later complication, which nearly cost Biden his life. In the early 2000s, Biden went under two other surgeries, one on his prostate and another to remove his gallbladder.
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