The leftist “climate change” hoaxers are all part of a ruthless and disgusting cult that will stop at nothing to destroy America from the inside, in the name of stopping non-existent man-made “global warming”, and now they are even abusing very young, mentally unstable, and disturbed, children as human shields to cover for their lies.
Yes, Greta.. you shouldn’t be up there. You should be at home and in school. And No Greta… we’re actually not in a mass extinction, and whoever told you that is either a complete liar of a fucking idiot – unless they were talking about the 300,000 babies that leftists murder every year, which is totally true, disgusting, and needs to be ended.

“You make the face of this movement an autistic teenager, who you’re pulling out of school, depriving her of an education, whipping her up into an emotional frenzy, ruining her life! It’s too far! You’ve gone too far! You’ve overplayed your hand – which they always do.” – Michael Knowles
Just watch 16 year-old Swedish “climate change” alarmist, Greta Thunberg, who apparently has some mental health issues, and you can tell that she is not well. I’d say that’s one pretty fucked up kid, if she really believes the shit she’s out there saying! Her parents should probably lose custody of their daughter for their obvious child abuse!
The truth is that Greta Thunberg knows nothing about real science, and is only being used by the left for their selfish purposes, when she should be out having fun, like normal 16 year-olds.
If the leftist claims of so-called “global warming” were true, don’t you think that these idiots would be going after China and India – the biggest polluters in the world – but these liars don’t really care about the environment. They just want to use the “global warming” scam to push Socialism on America, and to redistribute money and power.
Also, if ANYONE has prevented Greta Thunberg from having a normal childhood and fucked up her dreams, it’s Thunberg’s fucking idiot parents and the leftist Democrats who have lied to the world for decades to perpetrate their “Man-Made Global Warming” scam, which is the biggest lie in the history of the world, that has been used to scare young people into hysteria.
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