HAHAHA!! The New York Times is a complete fucking JOKE!! They’re pushing a new fake Democrat smear on Kavanaugh, even though the woman they named as the victim doesn’t remember the fake attack that never actually happened. How fucking stupid can you be?

Craptastic New York Times Fake News Experts Busted Yet Again Publishing Fake Clinton / Democrat Trash
“All The Fake News Democrats Tell Us To Shovel Out The Door”
I guess that The New York Times didn’t get the memo. Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court last fall. He is sitting there (officially, I mean) right now, as I write. Despite the most disgusting, ad hominem, evidence-free effort at character assassination of a Supreme Court nominee in history, the combined forces of The New York Times and other cesspool media organs like The New Yorker, bottom-feeding Senate Democrats, feminazis of various stripes, and other woke constituencies on the left, Kavanaugh made it. One of the most ostentatiously qualified candidates for the Supreme Court in recent memory managed — just barely — to slip through the gauntlet of baseless accusation, wild fantasy, and prurient hysteria and ascend to the country’s highest court. Hurrah.
It’s very obvious that Democrats are scared SHITLESS because they know Ruth Bader Ginsberg is going to croak very soon. These corrupt leftists also know that as soon as Ginsberg is dead, President Trump is going to nominate another Supreme Court Justice to take RGB’s spot on the court. There is a very high likelihood that President Trump’s next Supreme Court pick is going to be a woman, who will not be as succeptable to the lies and smears as men can be, so the Democrats are gearing up for round 2 to try and take down Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with more fake allegations of sexual assaults that never happened.
It’s funny as hell that every one of the brainless losers running for President for the Democrats came out instantly, calling for the impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh over the latest fake smear.
The far-left New York Times has been shamed into adding a humiliating “correction” to its latest and now-debunked smear of Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
The correction admits a fairly, somewhat, kinda, sorta, maybe important piece of information about how Kavanaugh’s alleged “victim” refused to talk to the Times and doesn’t remember the alleged “assault.”Prior to publishing the smear, the Times knew this fact and still chose to deliberately hide it from the public. And we all know why… It proves the whole story is fake news.
Did you catch that?
Did you catch what the New York Times is now admitting…?
Let me repeat it for the CNN-impaired:
Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged victim doesn’t recall being an alleged victim.
The “victim” doesn’t remember the assault.
The “victim” doesn’t remember being sexually assaulted.
She doesn’t remember it happening.
And the New York Times not only went ahead and reported the story as credible, the New York Times hid that information from its readers.
On Saturday, the failing New York Times published a piece claiming it had found a new Kavanaugh accuser. Here’s the bombshell portion:
We also uncovered a previously unreported story about Mr. Kavanaugh in his freshman year that echoes Ms. [Deborah] Ramirez’s allegation. A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly. (We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier.)
But what the Times didn’t tell its readers is that the alleged victim of this alleged assault, the very person into whose alleged hand the alleged penis was allegedly thrust, does not recall anything about the penis incident and does not want to talk to the media.
Does that piece of information not seem somewhat pertinent to the story? And when I say “pertinent,” I of course mean “the story is totally bogus and never should have been published.”
This now-debunked bombshell is based on an upcoming book by two New York Times reporters. In the book, they do admit the alleged victim does not remember the assault. But still, knowing this, the Times deliberately left that information — the only information that matters — out of its bombshell.
And the only reason we know the Times withheld this information is because the Times got caught.
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