Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are hypocrite losers, who are pretty much just like the entitled losers here in the United States, who want everyone to do what they say, but not what they do.
The British Royals are some of the biggest abusers of the Earth’s environment with all of the flights they take all over the world.
IF “Man-Made Global Warming” was real, the British Royal Family would be responsible for the deaths of millions of people around the world, but it’s a good thing that “Global Warming” is a huge lie – probably the biggest lies ever told to the world – so no, the Royal Family didn’t just take 2 years off the time that we have left to live before the Earth’s fiery ending.
I think it’s funny that these rich assholes can do whatever the fuck they want, and then say some shit like, “Oh, we donated to some “carbon neutral fund” to somehow make up for their fucking the Earth and everyone who lives here.
I also find it very amusing how the dirty SJW skank royal Meghan Markle says UK universities are too ‘Male, Pale and Stale’, while she is married to one of the palest gingers on the face of the Earth!
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex – aka Prince Harry and the former Meghan Markle – have been caught taking their fourth private jet flight in 11 days.
I personally don’t mind one bit. If I were a royal prince with a net worth estimated at £30 million married to a reasonably famous ex-TV actress, I too would fly by private jet as often as humanly possible rather than have to share breathing space and arm-rest space with the rank, corpulent, and disgusting proletariat.
But I recognise that we live in an increasingly eco-conscious world where some people find that kind of behaviour deeply offensive, environmentally destructive and to be avoided at all costs.
There was that guy, for example, who was at that Google conference in Sicily the other day who made an impassioned speech about the importance of living ‘sustainably’. And we know he meant every word because he delivered it while standing barefoot.
Then there was that other guy, the one who recently appeared in a special edition of Vogue and who, during the course of an interview with the renowned ethnologist Jane Goodall, said he was only going to have “two, maximum” children because any more might be bad for the planet.
The guy added:
“I always think to myself, whenever there’s another natural disaster, a huge increase in volcano eruptions or earthquakes or flooding, how many clues does nature have to give us before we actually learn, or wake ourselves up to the damage and the destruction that we’re causing?”
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