WOW! CNN LOVES NAZIS! Two CNN employees have been busted as raving lunatic Jew Haters in just the past two days! How many more Jew Haters work at CNN? My thought is that there are a LOT of holocaust deniers at CNN, and they are all freaking out right now as they sanitize their social media accounts.
The American People need to DEMAND that CNN get rid of all Jew Haters employed by their Fake News Network – but then there would be nobody left at CNN to spew their fake news & lies.
It remains to be seen if CNN will be honest with its audience about this matter and any internal investigations into it. CNN has a history of covering up resignations of people involved in scandals in its organization. In 2017, three senior CNN officials resigned amid a fake news story on the Russia probe–and CNN has still not answered a series of questions about the matter and has not published, as is the ethical standard for organizations purporting to publish news content, its findings of the internal investigation into the publication of that fake news.
Another CNN personality who was presenting on the CNN Arabic network as recently as last week appears to have expressed a series of antisemitic sentiments on Twitter, even praising Hitler. This follows the recent resignation of a CNN editor, whose past antisemitic statements surfaced Thursday afternoon.
Kareem Farid heads up a digital tech show on CNN Arabic. He began in January 2019, according to his LinkedIn profile. He is also listed as the “Lead of Storytelling and Video Production at APCO Worldwide.”
On Friday, tweets surfaced, showing Farid writing, “I love you Hitler” and commending the Nazi dictator for “his determination to reach his goal.”
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