Facebook has become far too powerful and dangerous to the United States of America and all other nations of the world, and the American People DEMAND that Facebook immediately be broken up and regulated.

Facebook routinely abuses it’s huge amount of power, and Mark Zuckerberg has weaponized Facebook and it’s services to attack conservatives and others that they don’t agree with.

Even Chris Hughes, one of the people who started Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg, now says that the company has become to large and dangerous, and must be regulated, broken up, or both.


Facebook is pushing back hard against calls to break up the embattled tech giant and unwind its purchases of WhatsApp and Instagram.

“Chopping a great American success story into bits” won’t stop foreign election interference or “poison” spreading online, Nick Clegg, Facebook’s vice president for global affairs and communications, told CNN Business in a Sunday interview.

The tech giant, which accounts for 85 percent of the revenue in the social networking space and has billions of users across its family apps, has been in the crosshairs of Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, as well as co-founder Chris Hughes — who penned a scathing 6,000-word New York Times op-ed on Sunday calling for Facebook’s breakup on antitrust grounds.

Clegg, a former U.K. deputy prime minister who joined Facebook last year, elaborated on why a breakup of America’s largest and most profitable social network isn’t the best course of action.

“We need to do more,” he said in the interview, but he added that they “won’t suddenly evaporate. There will still be Russian trolls.”

In his op-ed, Hughes lambasted what he called Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s “unchecked power” and influence “far beyond that of anyone else in the private sector or in government.”

During a recent interview with “CBS This Morning,” Hughes framed the debate in the context of American antitrust enforcement and said that consumers have few choices if they want to leave Facebook.

“We have a long tradition in America of holding power accountable,” Hughes said. “What keeps happening now is there’s another privacy scandal or another election scandal seemingly every week. And then people get outraged, and then they become resigned to the fact that they can’t do anything. We can’t vote with our feet, we can’t vote with our eyeballs.”

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