Bat-Shit Crazy Maxine Waters Has Very Serious Mental Problems Affecting Thought & Speech

Starting immediately after the 2016 election, Maxine Waters’ mental health started slipping quickly, and now Auntie Maxine is just another alt-leftist psycho who has really lost her fucking mind.

The mental health breakdown of Maxine Waters is easy to see, as Waters’ mind has been slipping for for quite some time now, but Maxine’s decline is now even causing a lot of problems with her thoughts and speech.

There is no other way to explain why the bat-shit crazy bitch, Maxine Waters, is so hell-bent on impeaching President Trump, even though she is aware that the only people who actually broke the law are Democrats and members of the FBI / DOJ.

We think that Maxine Waters, and other Democrats, will also be held accountable for inciting violence against Conservatives, and if I ever see Maxine Waters or other Congressional libtards out in a restaurant, store or anywhere else in public, you can bet your ass that the dirty skank will get an ear-full – and it’s won’t be PC.

I encourage all other conservatives to show the Democrats the foolishness of their ways by giving their stupid bullshit right back to them, and then watch the Democrats and the Fake News Media melt down like the pussies they are.

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