Corrupt Fatass Tub-O-Goo Liar Claire McCaskill Blames Josh Hawley After Being Busted Lying To Voters

New undercover videos released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas show Claire McCaskill’s staffers admitting that, among other lies, McCaskill is an anti-gun nutjob who says that she is pro-gun, but secretly wants to take away all guns – except maybe muskets and bolt action weapons.

“well.. it is um.. startling that Josh Holly would be part of fraudulently embedding somebody in my campaign.” – Corrupt Democrat Tub-O-Goo Liar Claire McCaskill

On top of being a closet anti-gun freak, the Project Veritas videos also show how Claire McCaskill takes secret money from Planned Parenthood – even though she claims that she doesn’t, lies to voters about her stance on important policies, and says on camera that she only cares about the votes of people in St Louis County.

Even after Claire McCaskill’s true feelings were revealed, the disgusting corrupt skank has continued lying like a Democrat and making excuses. McCaskill is now even using her new lies to cover up her old lies, and has called for an investigation of Josh Hawley, claiming that Hawley was involved in the Project Veritas sting operation.

Claire knows that Hawley had nothing to do with the Project Veritas videos, and that Project Veritas is releasing videos of other state races as well, but facts don’t matter to Democrats when they can lie to your face, have the Fake News back them up, and make their problems go away. –

Project Veritas’ President, James O’Keefe, has also said that Hawley has nothing to do with Project Veritas or the videos shot in Claire McCaskill’s office.

“let me categorically and unequivocally deny that Holly has anything to do with this. I’ve never met him. He doesn’t work for me. We don’t talk to any candidates at Project Veritas Action – we only investigate candidates. This is an absolutely false statement period. And it’s outrageous that she would make a factually untrue statement like this, with no evidence, on television – and just say it. It’s absolutely false. Not only have I said it’s false, last night on Hannity TV program, Holly made a statement that it was false, so..” Project Veritas President James O’Keefe

Truth is that Claire McCaskill is one very disgusting corrupt pig who needs to be thrown out of office as soon as possible, and we have out chance in 20 days.

Claire McCaskill has had a good run, and has made her family very rich with her corrupt ways, but Claire now knows that she is pretty much done – but the corrupt Democrat won’t stop clawing and scratching all the way down the toilet bowl with as many dirty Democrat tricks that she can muster.


The Missouri Senate race is blowing up over a hidden camera inside Democrat Claire McCaskill’s campaign headquarters.

In the video on conservative website Project Veritas, McCaskill staffers talked about Planned Parenthood donations reportedly being hidden.

McCaskill’s campaign said it will pursue legal action in connection with this incident. The campaign is also asking for Attorney General Josh Hawley – McCaskill’s Republican opponent – to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate violations of the state’s Merchandising Act.

McCaskill staffer Nick Starost is heard speaking in the video.

“So what were you telling me last night about Planned Parenthood?” a voice behind the camera asked.

“How they never – they don’t donate to Claire because they don’t want to ostracize pro-life Democrats in Missouri,” Starost replied.

Grace Richardson, another staffer, is seen on video stating, “They go through other means to support and give money. They just don’t directly give money from their PACs.”

Project Veritas said the video was shot recently at the McCaskill campaign office in Columbia, Missouri.

Veritas’s President, James O’Keefe, appears in the video on a set looking like a McCaskill office.

O’Keefe will not say if the recording is from a paid member of the campaign staff or a volunteer.

In a statement, McCaskill said she’s never seen anything like this in a Missouri senate race.

“It is startling that Josh Hawley would embrace fraudulently embedding somebody in my campaign,” she wrote. “He is the Attorney General of Missouri. He’s supposed to be going after fraud, not applauding it. I have been very upfront about all my positions.”

O’Keefe has denied any coordination with the Hawley campaign, calling the report a story that McCaskill “hides her true views from voters to get elected.”

McCaskill’s campaign manager said Planned Parenthood has given McCaskill at least $5,000 during the campaign, and that it was reported – not hidden.

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