New laws need to be made which make it a crime to make false sex crime accusations, and anyone who makes false sex crime accusations needs to be held accountable for their crimes.

Disgusting Liars Guilty of Making False Sex Crime Accusations Should Be Arrested, Tried, and Sentenced to Prison
Everyone knows that lying to the FBI, Congress or under oath is a crime, but what about just making a basic false sex crime accusation? Oh, so it’s perfectly fine to falsely accuse people of doing the most disgusting things?
It’s total fucking bullshit that anyone can make false sex crime accusations against someone else, and liberals will do everything in their power to convict the accused using only the false story of the accuser, with no evidence whatsoever! THIS MUST CHANGE!!!
“I have done some research on it and there are some ethical and bar rules that say when you submit an affidavit even to Congress and you later learn that there are things in the affidavit that are false you have a continuing obligation to withdraw the affidavit. You cannot allow an affidavit to remain on the record if you have information suggesting it’s false… She has to be investigated independently of the background check, criminally investigated to see if she deliberately and willfully… made a decision to frame somebody that he had nothing to do with. The evidence seems to suggest they never knew each other they were years apart. They were operating in different circles. It wouldn’t surprise me if an FBI investigation proved they never met each other. And if that turns out to be the fact she belongs in a court of law being prosecuted, with the presumption of innocence. But if the evidence shows she committed perjury, prison.” – Liberal Attorney Alan Dershowitz
The 3 women who made the false accusations against Judge Kavanaugh (Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick) each have been shown to have lied multiple times, which is a crime – and these criminals need to be held accountable for their lies and perjury.
The law says that anyone who lies under oath can be punished by up to five years in prison, and each of these worthless lying skanks deserve to have the book thrown at them. (It looks like someone already threw the “Ugly Book” at the 3 Kavanaugh false accusers, and the “Ugly Book” apparently hit all 3 square in the face.)
Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick each need to be held accountable for their lies about Judge Kavanaugh while under oath, and must face prison time for their perjury before the FBI and Congress.
Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz believes the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh by Julie Swetnick provide an “educational moment” in dealing with women who falsely accuse men of sexual misconduct.
Dershhowitz joined other panelists on Fox News’ “Hannity” on Tuesday discussing the questionable interview of the Supreme Court nominee’s third accuser.
Swetnick’s NBC interview which aired Monday was filled with accounts that appeared to differ from the sworn testimony she had already provided claiming Kavanaugh had attended parties in high school which were known to have gang rapes of women.
Every one of Swetnick’s claims should be investigated by the FBI for possible perjury, Dershowitz argued, since she appeared in the interview to walk back her sworn statements.
“This becomes a very important educational moment because when you have to teach the women of the world and the men of the world that there is no genetically linked aspect of telling the truth, that women make up stories about alleged events that never occurred and that’s why it’s so important,” Dershowitz told Sean Hannity. “But this is an education moment. And the world is watching.”
Calling Swetnick “the most important subject to the FBI investigation,” Dershowitz disagreed with Hannity’s comment that she “backtracked” during the NBC interview.
“You’re being generous to her when you say she backtracked,” he said.
“She swore under oath, subject to felony and perjury that certain things happened. She then said they didn’t happen and she changed her view,” Dershowitz continued. “Any good prosecutor, if the evidence shows that she made it up out of whole cloth, should be able to prosecute her and sentence her to prison.”
He explained the implications of not pursuing and investigating the contradictions in Swetnick’s claims.
“The problem is women who lie and falsely accuse men get away with it. They don’t go to prison,” he said. “And President Trump was absolutely right when he talked about how young men are vulnerable, young women are vulnerable. There’s too much sexual assault but there’s too many false accusations of sexual assault and the FBI must get to the bottom as to whether this is one such example.”
Dershowitz slammed the very “idea that a woman will get away with having made a willful decision to falsely accuse somebody of the most heinous crime.”
He also noted that he had asked Michael Avenatti, Swetnick’s lawyer who also represnts porn star Stormy Daniels, to waive “lawyer-client privilege” so the FBI could further investigate Swetnick’s claims as well as discover if the attorney helped her with her statements.
Fox News commentator and legal analyst Gregg Jarrett and investigative reporter Sara Carter agreed and weighed in during the segment as well.
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