Chelsea Handler is a self-admitted sexual abuser crimnal, who freely admits that she has “many times” grabbed people’s genitals in photographs.
“I think there is a very big difference of a man putting his arm around you — he’s a comedian. I’ve touched people’s breasts and genitals I can’t imagine how many times in photos. That doesn’t excuse it, but that’s something, that’s not rape. That’s not sexual assault.
Um… yea Chelsea, touching someone’s breasts or genitals without them wanting you to definitely IS sexual assault.
Handler made the shocking admission while trying to defend disgraced serial groping Democrat Al Franken, saying that sexual groping is not actually sexual assault when a Democrat does it, but is considered one the worst possible crimes if a conservative even jokes about it. Corrupt Democrats will jump through hoops to save the jobs of worst of the worst criminals, if they are Democrats, but will turn around and attack a conservative who is guilty of much less, with everything they have, if there is the slightest chance to hurt or destroy that conservative.
It’s quite telling that someone like Chelsea Handler would feel comfortable enough to tell the world that she is a disgusting sexual assaulting criminal, without much fear of the liberal media holding her accountable – so it will be up to the new conservative media to make sure everyone knows what/who we are dealing with – a self-admitted serial sexual assaulting criminal.
All victims of Chelsea Handler need to come forward and tell the authorities about the abuse they suffered at the hands (literally) of Chelsea Handler.
A full investigation needs to be started to look into the many counts of sexual assault to which Chelsea Handler seems to have admitted, and if provable, Handler needs to be held accountable for her many possible sexual crimes.
Comedian and liberal activist Chelsea Handler came to the defense of disgraced former Sen. Al Franken on Sunday, arguing that groping does not constitute sexual assault.
In defending Mr. Franken against numerous allegations of sexual misconduct, Ms. Handler admitted during an interview with Buzzfeed News that she’s grabbed people’s genitals “many times” in photographs before and didn’t think that should be considered sexual assault.
“I don’t want to diminish anyone’s legitimate claim of feeling like they’ve been assaulted, because that’s your feeling,” she said. “But I think there is a very big difference of a man putting his arm around you — he’s a comedian, I’ve touched people’s breasts and genitals I can’t imagine how many times in photos. That doesn’t excuse it, but that’s something, that’s not rape. That’s not sexual assault, and it’s not repeated behavior over and over again.”
Mr. Franken, a former “Saturday Night Live” cast member, resigned in December after several women accused him of sexual misconduct, including unwanted touching and kissing. One of the accusers, Leeann Tweeden, published a photo of Mr. Franken pretending to grab her breasts while she was asleep aboard a plane for a USO tour. Other women accused the former senator of touching their breasts or buttocks while posing for photos.
Ms. Handler, who claimed to be a victim of sexual assault herself, said Mr. Franken’s behavior was a “far different beast” than rape.
“For a person who’s been sexually assaulted, to compare that story to someone putting their arm around you and being silly in a picture, which is what I believe Al Franken was doing, I know him and that’s something he would do — obviously he’ll never do it again — but I don’t think those are the same things,” she said.
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