California, AKA “The Asshole of America”, is sooooo fucked up it’s unbelievable! And it’s only getting much worse – very quickly.
Only in a far-left libtard-run state like California is it be perfectly fine to shit and piss all over the streets and sidewalks, throw used drug needles everywhere, but not even a crime to intentionally give someone the AIDS virus.
But anyone who dares to hand someone else a plastic straw instantly becomes a criminal, and faces a $1,000 fine and 6 months in jail.
“it’s no longer a felony in California to knowingly give someone AIDS. That’s no longer a felony. That’s no longer a crime. Give somebody AIDS, that’s fine. Give them a plastic drinking straw so they can enjoy their drink like a civilized person, you go to jail. And you pay money.”
How completely fucked up is that?? VERY!
But California is one very fucked-up place!
These are really backward priorities here. In California here, they just tried to pass a bill to decriminalize heroin and to allow people to shoot up heroin in safe places, but you can’t have drinking straws.
So the brainless alt-left loser Democrats who run California have no problems with people shooting up in public, then throwing a huge number of disease-infested used drug needles in the piles of shit and piss covering their streets (also decriminalized), which endanger kids and anyone else who comes into contact with the human waste and used drug needles, but as far as they are concerned it’s the plastic straws that pose the REAL threat.
And you wonder why liberal run states are in a world of shit.. Fucking dumb liberal dickheads have no fucking clue!
Maybe this is why people are moving out of California at such a brisk pace.
In today’s episode of The Michael Knowles Show, Michael laughs about the straw ban.
“They’re going to enforce this with a $1,000 fine or 6 months in jail,” Knowles said. “So, if you go to a restaurant in Santa Barbara, and you’re given a plastic drinking straw, that waiter can go to jail for 6 months, and/or get a $1,000 fine, and it compounds on itself. It’s not like that’s the limit.”
The ban has been implemented in San Francisco, CA, and Knowles goes on to point out something that isn’t banned in California.
“Now, simultaneously, it’s no longer a felony in California to knowingly give someone AIDS. That’s no longer a felony. That’s no longer a crime,” Knowles said. “Give somebody AIDS, that’s fine. Give them a plastic drinking straw so they can enjoy their drink like a civilized person, you go to jail. And you pay money.”
And this brings us up to our crisis. All of the crisis we’re in right now. The straw crisis. If you can’t laugh at the straw crisis, what are you doing?
But they take it very seriously. The Left right now is banning plastic drinking straws. Right now in San Francisco, they have banned plastic drinking straws. In Santa Barbara, not too far up from us, I was just up there a couple of weeks ago, they’ve banned waiters at restaurants from giving out plastic drinking straws.
They’re going to enforce this with a $1,000 fine or 6 months in jail. So, if you go to a restaurant in Santa Barbara, and you’re given a plastic drinking straw, that waiter can go to jail for 6 months, and/or get a $1,000 fine, and it compounds on itself. It’s not like that’s the limit. If you go with your family, you sit down and it’s a table of four, that guy gives you people straws in your water, this guy could go to jail for 2 years. If you have a party in there, you know, you have a party, you invite your big family, let’s say it’s 40 people or something. That guy’s doing 20 years in the clink because he gave out plastic drinking straws. That is some crazy stuff.
Now, simultaneously, it’s no longer a felony in California to knowingly give someone AIDS.
That’s no longer a felony. That’s no longer a crime.
Give somebody AIDS, that’s fine. Give them a plastic drinking straw so they can enjoy their drink like a civilized person, you go to jail. And you pay money.
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