Corrupt Obama Administration Gives Criminal “Journalist” Title After Caught Bugging Mitch McConnell Office – Sounds like Watergate
Every report shows that the corrupt Obama administration has been regularly engaging in criminal activity which is far worse that that of Nixon.
Didn’t Watergate bring down Nixon, and wasn’t the Watergate Scandal started when Nixon’s people bugged the DNC offices? Then afterwards, they lied about the crime,and worked hard to cover it up.
Sound familiar? This is EXACTLY what the Democrats have done, and if allowed to be investigated in the same way that Watergate was investigated, we are sure that this would lead directly to the top, stopping on Obama’s Oval Office desk.
Not only have they bugged the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign headquarters, but when you add up all of the other scandals and coverups being stonewalled and stalled by Obama, Holder, and the Democrats, it should be more than enough to Impeach the worst and most corrupt president in United States history.
Too bad we don’t still have real journalists around today who would follow the story to it’s conclusion, wherever it leads.. The media today are a bunch of gutless, attention-challenged pansies, who are not real journalists. Instead, they are just typical nutless Obama-swooning sheep with a Press Pass.
Justice Department prosecutors in Washington are now part of a high-profile criminal investigation into the secret taping at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign headquarters in Louisville.
The move comes after David Hale, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Kentucky, recused himself from the McConnell case because he has been mentioned as a possible nominee for a federal judgeship, which would require Senate approval.
At the same time, any attempts to subpoena evidence from Curtis Morrison — a liberal activist who surreptitiously taped McConnell and his aides at a campaign meeting in February — would most likely need the personal approval of Attorney General Eric Holder, according to federal regulations, which require Holder to approve subpoenas for journalists. Morrison was previously a paid freelancer for a Louisville-based, online news outlet, even though he was engaged in political activities with the goal to defeat McConnell.
These latest developments underscore the sensitivity of the case involving McConnell, the most powerful Senate Republican and a vehement critic of President Barack Obama. Any delay or decision to forgo prosecution of Morrison would be used by the McConnell campaign as fodder to attack Obama’s Justice Department, as would an apparent decision by federal prosecutors to classify the liberal activist as a journalist and treat him accordingly.
Yet any DOJ investigation of journalists is itself an enormously sensitive topic in the aftermath of its subpoena of phone records from The Associated Press and the separate criminal probe into Fox News reporter James Rosen, both of which have generated major controversy.
The furor over Morrison’s actions began after an April report in Mother Jones magazine about the McConnell campaign meeting. Morrison, who worked for a liberal group called Progress Kentucky, has admitted that he taped the private conversation between McConnell and his campaign aides Feb. 2, including discussion of potential attack lines against actress Ashley Judd, who was considering running against McConnell.
Following Mother Jones’s publication of Morrison’s recording, McConnell suggested Democrats were acting in “Nixonian fashion” by “bugging” his campaign headquarters. The FBI quickly became involved in the case, interviewing McConnell and his staff. Morrison was fired from his job as a freelance reporter for the publication Insider Louisville.
Sources familiar with the McConnell case said the heightened involvement of Main Justice — as the Justice Department headquarters is known — appears to have slowed down what had been a rapidly moving investigation.
But senior Justice Department officials deny that the case had been bogged down in any way, either by Hale’s recusal or Morrison’s status as a journalist.
“The department is committed to a full, timely and appropriate resolution of this investigation,” a Justice Department representative said. “No one from department headquarters has sought to interfere with the investigation or slow it down in any way. The recusal of the U.S. attorney in this matter has resulted in prosecutors from department headquarters being assigned to assist in the investigation, which is not uncommon in recusal situations.”
In a statement, Hale said he initiated a Justice Department review several weeks ago after his name surfaced in the media as a possible federal judicial nominee to determine whether he should recuse himself from the case.
“Following the review, a determination was made by the Office of the Deputy Attorney General that my personal recusal in this instance was appropriate to avoid an appearance of conflict,” Hale said.
Hale has been serving in his post since May 2010, and if he were nominated by Obama for a federal district judgeship, McConnell would have to vote on whether to confirm him. A one-time campaign aide for former Rep. Ben Chandler (D-Ky.), Hale was also a partner at the Louisville law firm Reed Weitkamp Schell & Vice.
“There is still an investigation by the FBI in Louisville,” said Stephanie Collins, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Western District of Kentucky.
At issue in the case is whether Morrison violated the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, a federal anti-eavesdropping law, according to sources close to the case. That statute prohibits anyone using an “electronic, mechanical or other device” from improperly recording “wire, oral or electronic communications.” Violations can result in a five-year prison term and carry up to a $250,000 fine.
In February, Morrison, along with another activist from Progress Kentucky, Shawn Reilly, entered a Louisville office building that houses McConnell’s campaign headquarters.
Since it was a Saturday, there were no security officers at the front desk, and the building’s main door was unlocked because the McConnell campaign held an earlier public event celebrating the opening of its headquarters, Morrison said in an interview.
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