CONSERVATIVES MUST FIGHT FIRE W/ FIRE! Target & Boycott All Fake News Advertisers Without Mercy!

Conservatives need to wake the fuck up and start doing to the corrupt fake news outlets what they are doing to conservatives in the media. SEEK AND DESTROY WITHOUT MERCY!

Libtard individuals and groups are targeting all influential conservatives in the media and attacking them with lies designed to push advertisers to leave, and then remove the conservatives from their jobs in the media.

It’s time that the nutless #RepublicansWithoutBalls do something to fight back! YES, THAT MEANS YOU!
Review the list of fake news advertisers below and start contacting them one by one.

This means we conservatives, as a group, need to finally grow a pair of fucking balls, band together, protect the very few conservative voices in the media, and ruthlessly attack any advertiser who spends their advertising dollars to put ads on these fake news networks who spread lies and hate to destroy conservatives they dislike.

Here is a partial list of companies that mush be IMMEDIATELY targeted for knowingly supporting anti-American fake news outlets like CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post. We will add more as we come across them.


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