HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! This is fucking hilarious!!! (and sad at the same time that someone can be such a fucking idiot, but still be the editor of Vanity Fair and a contributor on MSNBC)
Dumbfuck Vanity Fair Editor and MSNBC Contributor Kurt Eichenwald goes off the deep end – uses the “Tentacle Porn” excuse for everything under the sun.
Q: Why did you attack a 16 year old high school kid online who survived the Parkland school shooting?
A: Um… Tentacle Porn.
Q:Why do you think you were called out after spreading Democrat lies about Trump/Russia collusion?
A: Must be the Tentacle Porn again.
Q: Why did you start immediately blocking everyone on Twitter who had a negative comment about you?
A: They wrote “Tentacle Porn!”
Q: Why does everyone from “alt-right” conservatives to alt-left libtards, and everyone in between hate you?
A: Because I’m regarded as a pedophile who loves tentacle porn.
Eichenwald apparently can’t count to 10, so there is no #9.
I love this! Eichenwald says “Since when has fact and response no longer been relevant in discussion? but that is a luxury that the Democrats will never afford any conservative.
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