Mob of Philadelphia Criminals Loots & Destroys Sunoco Convenience Store After Team Wins Stupid Bowl

A mob of criminals entered a Philadelphia Sunoco gas station, located at 801 South Broad St, after the Eagles won the Stupid Bowl, and started looting , damaging merchandise, and basically destroying the convenience store.

Watch the video, and pay attention to the color of the people in the store, and what each are doing.

There is a small group of White people standing at the counter near the front of the convenience store, apparently waiting to make purchases. Then look at the black people, who make up the vast majority of people looting, having a food fight, and overall destroying the store.

“The City of Brotherly Love” My ASS!!! Philadelphia Sucks!

We hope that the police use the video of the mob attack to try and catch some of these criminals, and put them in jail so the decent people of Philadelphia can be free from these criminals.

Philadelphia police have released surveillance footage of a Sunoco gas station being looted following the Eagles’ Super Bowl win on Sunday night.

Police say a large group entered the Sunoco gas station at 801 South Broad St. around 12:30 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 5.

Video shows suspects taking items from the shelves and leaving the premises, throwing food and drinks on the floor and walls. Suspects are also seen throwing shelves down to the ground.

The looting even left a hole in the back wall of the Sunoco store.

If anyone has any information on this incident, please call police at 215-686-8477.

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