Racist, abortion-loving Alabama Democrat Senate candidate Doug Jones put out a horribly racist political advertisement that has set off a firestorm against the Democrat in the black community.
Who in their right mind would look at this insultingly racist ad and say, “Yep, perfect. Lets run with that.”? That person is either completely fucking stupid, racist, or both.
Not only is the political advertisement sleazy, racist, and highly insulting to black people, but it also uses horrible grammar.
“Think if a black man went after high school girls. anyone would try to make him a senator?”
Who the fuck wrote that? Yoda? Wouldn’t it be better to say “would anyone try to make him a senator?”?
These idiots only had one sentence to write, and they fucked that up – so what does that say about their intelligence or competency.. or should we say the lack of both?
With less than a week until Election Day, Alabama Democrat Senate candidate Doug Jones has angered black voters by attacking Republican opponent Roy Moore with a flyer some critics are calling a racist advertisement.
The mailing was created to look something like an Internet meme. At the top, it reads, “Think if a Black man went after high school girls anyone would try to make him a senator?” Beneath that is a photo of a young black man with a comical skeptical look on his face.
But African American critics of the flyer think the ad hits a sour note and is borderline racist.
“I feel it was putting you in a position to vote based on race, versus the correct candidate, or a candidate,” Alabama resident Veronica Jones told WHNT News 19. She said she didn’t think it was the correct way to address Alabama’s minority community, if that was the Jones campaign’s intent. She added, “Just state the facts, what are you going to do for that target area, and be done.”
The voter conclued, saying she was shocked that the ad came from the Doug Jones campaign, “I think it was the wrong way to go overall,” she said about the flyer.
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