Brainless Fake Conservative GOP Establishment Losers To Try Nulifying Alabama Voter’s Rights

Stupid worthless fake conservative assholes in Congress are basically telling Alabama voters that they have no voice, and no voting rights, if the GOP establishment doesn’t like who they vote for.

These worthless fake conservative GOP dickheads are doing the dirty work of the Democrats, and saying that it doesn’t matter what the Alabama voters decide, because even if Judge Moore is elected, the fake conservatives will vote to have him removed.

You’re telling the voters of Alabama if you choose your Senator that we are going to try to nullify your vote. Therefore you don’t have [the] constitutional right to vote in Alabama because we are going to work our best to nullify your vote if you vote for Roy Moore.

These corrupt fake conservative dickheads know that the allegations against Judge Moore are false – partially because some of the corrupt “Republicans” are involved with the fake accusations – and the rest are too fucking stupid, corrupt, weak and nutless to do anything to help Judge Moore. Closet Democrats, masquerading as conservatives, certainly don’t want a strong conservative elected in Alabama.

I can’t fucking wait until some of these worthless fake Republican pieces of shit are falsely accused of sexual harassment, assault or rape, BECAUSE IT WILL HAPPEN VERY SOON, and then we’ll see how much these worthless fake conservative assholes believe in due process. You can bet your ass that they won’t step down, like they’re trying to make Judge Moore.

I am not a Republican anymore, and haven’t been for almost 10 years now. Most of my friends and family have ditched the Republican Party as well, since many of the GOP Establishment are closet libtards who make my stomach turn. I stopped watching FOX News years ago as well, and vow to never again watch that fake conservative shitbag of a network, which is basically just the same worthless corrupt lying talking heads, passing off the same fake news libtard CNN – same CNN MSNBC Lies, except with better looking women.

Fucking idiots!!

Left-leaning CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin told Jake Tapper on The Lead on Monday that Roy Moore’s fate was in the hands of Alabama voters — and no one else.
Toobin was responding to the emergence of a new accuser, Beverly Young Nelson, 55. Nelson appeared at a press conference with feminist attorney (and Democratic Party activist) Gloria Allred earlier Monday and accused Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was 16 years old. According to Nelson, Moore groped her and attempted to force her head towards his crotch while he drove her home after her shift as a waitress at a restaurant he frequented.

Last week, the Washington Post reported the allegations of Leigh Corfman, 53, who said that Moore had sexual contact with her when she was 14 years old. The Post also reported that Moore had allegedly pursued three women in their teens when he was in his 30s and still single.

Asked whether the emergence of a second accuser would have legal consequences, Toobin said:

Well, there is no legal proceeding going on. This is an election. So it doesn’t really change anything from a legal proceeding. There is no lawsuit. There is no criminal investigation. This is all about the voters. The voters can find this information credible. They can believe the accusers or they can believe Roy Moore and vote accordingly, but this is a political matter right now. It’s not — it’s not legal.

Senate Republicans continued to urge Moore to drop out of the race. However, his name will still appear on the ballot in Alabama’s special election on December 12, whether he is in the race or not.

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