Democratic Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza has warned Democrat Gov. Rauner that the Democrat-corrupted state of Illinois is in HUGE financial trouble.
Under Illinois’ corrupt Democrat (ahem) “leadership” the state cannot pay anyone other than a few corrupt Democrats.
Ultra-corrupt Illinois is currently spending about $600 million more a month than it’s taking in, has over $15 billion in unpaid bills, is about to start the third year without a budget, and may be the first state in the United States to actually go bankrupt.
Reports say that Illinois will be downgraded to junk status in 10 days when it becomes apparent that they will once again be operating the state without a budget.
I hope Illinois does get downgraded, and I also hope that the shitty state goes bankrupt. It serves these corrupt asshole libtards right for continuing to elect corrupt criminal Democrats into office, when the Democrats have proven, over a very long period of time, that they only look out for themselves, and cannot be trusted with public money. Just look at all of the Democrats in Illinois who have been busted doing corrupt underhanded shit.
With just 10 days to go until Illinois enters its third year without a budget, resulting in the state’s imminent downgrade to junk status and potentially culminating in a default for the state whose unpaid bills now surpass $15 billion, Democratic Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza issued a warning to Illinois Gov. Rauner and other elected officials on Tuesday, saying in a letter that her office has “very serious concerns” it may no longer be able to guarantee “timely and predictable payments” for some core services.
In the letter posted on her website, Mendoza who over the weekend warned that Illinois is “in massive crisis mode” and that “this is not a false alarm” said the state is “effectively hemorrhaging money” due to various court orders and laws that have left government spending roughly $600 million more a month than it’s taking in. Mendoza said her office will continue to make debt payments as required, but indicated that services most likely to be affected include long-term care, hospice and supportive living centers for seniors. She added that managed care organizations that serve Medicaid recipients are owed more than $2.8 billion in overdue bills as of June 15.
“The state can no longer function without a responsible and complete budget without severely impacting our core obligations and decimating services to the state’s most in-need citizens,” Mendoza wrote. “We must put our fiscal house in order. It is already too late. Action is needed now.”
Unveiling the most dire langage yet, in her letter Mendoza said “we are now reaching a new phase of crisis” perhaps in an attempt to prompt the Democrats and Republicans to sit down and come up with a comrpomise:
As Illinois’ Chief Fiscal and Accountability Officer, my Office is responsible for managing the state’s financial accounts as well as providing the public and the state’s elected leadership with objective and timely data concerning the state’s difficult fiscal condition. As you are quite aware, I have been very vocal regarding these issues and the budgetary impasse since assuming office six months ago; however we are now reaching a new phase of crisis.
She then addresses “the full extent of Illinois’ dire fiscal straits and the potential disruptions that we face in addressing even our most critical core responsibilities”:
Accordingly, I must communicate to you at this time the full extent of our dire fiscal straits and the potential disruptions that we face in addressing even our most critical core responsibilities going forward into the new fiscal year. My Office has very serious concerns that, in the coming weeks, the State of Illinois will no longer be able to guarantee timely and predictable payments in a number of areas that we have to date managed (albeit with extreme difficulty) despite an unpaid bill backlog in excess of $15 billion and growing rapidly.
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