4 people, including Republican Rep. Steve Scalise, the House Majority Whip, and 2 of his aides were all shot in Alexandria, Virginia by a raving lunatic during baseball practice on Wednesday morning, and the Democrats are 100% to blame for this violent terrorism, and for the violence that will continue happening.

Democrat Party & Rabid Libtard Media 100% Responsible For Bloody VA Congressional Ambush on Republicans
Reports are saying that the shooter was 66 year old James T. Hodgkinson, a raving lunatic liberal anti-Trump Democrat from the ultra-corrupt Democrat-run-down shit-hole state of Illinois. Hodgkinson was a Socialist/Communist Democrat Bernie Sanders supporter, who even worked on the presidential campaign for Bernie Sanders.
James Hodgkinson was just your average deranged libtard Democrat, with severe mental problems, whose favorite TV shows were piece of shit alt-left dickhead Bill Maher, John Oliver, and Rachel Maddow was his all-time favorite nutjob libtard to watch.

Democrat Party & Rabid Libtard Media 100% Responsible For Bloody VA Congressional Ambush on Republicans
Now that we know what shows the lunatic Democrat liked watching, and have seen the results of his hatred and rage against conservatives, it’s no doubt that the anti-American alt-left is driving people to become monsters.
The bloody attack on Republicans, while they were taking softball batting practice, was directly caused by the words and actions of members of the dangerous violent Democrat party of hate, and the corrupt assholes in the Democrat-owned libtard media.
“America has been divided, and the center of America is disappearing, and the violence is appearing in the streets, and it’s coming from the left.” – Rep. Steve King
Stupid, hateful and disturbing shit like Kathy Griffin pretending to behead President Trump, a play in New York where President Trump is assassinated on a nightly basis to roaring crowds of mentally libtarded losers, every shitty late-night show has been transformed into 100% attacking President Trump and the Republicans, corrupt libtard media attack conservatives regularly while ignoring the real problems in the world, made this attack on the baseball field take place.
Even in reporting this heinous crime, committed by another rabid and hateful libtard asshole criminal, CNN says shit like “the shooting appears to be a ‘deliberate attack.'”
No, really??? the brainless pro-terrorist hacks at CNN probably wanted to report the shootings as an accident or something else, when the shooter was definitely acting deliberately.
Democrats in the government and in the media are 100% responsible for how their party has become one of violence and criminality, and the anti-American libtard losers in the Democrat Party should be ashamed for how they turned politics into a blood sport, stemming from their hatred of America, which I’m SURE they will regret in the near future!
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org