Martha Raddatz was horrible in the vice presidential debate, and she should be ashamed of her performance last night.

2 on 1: Martha Raddatz Teams Up With Biden Against Paul Ryan in Vice Presidential Debate – and Ryan STILL won.
Martha Raddatz teamed up with Joe Biden and acted like she was the 3rd debater in a two man debate. She allowed Bully Biden to interrupt Paul Ryan 82 times, and interrupted herself while grilling Ryan with liberally biased questions, yet Paul Ryan beat Biden and Raddatz – on substance, telling the truth, and an honest vision for the future of our country, instead of 4 more years of Obama and Biden lining their friends and supporters pockets with another $5 Trillion of our money, and get away with it by calling it “green jobs” failures.
Martha is the hero of the liberals for taking on the third debater task, while allowing Dinosaur Joe Biden to bully and interrupt to try and stop Ryan from making his points. It didn’t work though and the disrespect is backfiring on team Obama.
We also think that among his many lies and distortions, Biden’s lies about Benghazi, the many requests for more security, which were denied by the Obama administration, and the coverup and whitewash by Obama and his team will end up taking down this failed administration.
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