What would he do if she actually was coming on to him? Pull a Clinton and get a BJ out of the deal?
So now we don’t just have a joke for a Vice President, but we have a another Womanizing Joke of a Democrat for a Vice President.
From the pool report:
At 2:30, Biden stopped at Antone’s Italian Grill, a slightly swankier-than-average, food booth. “I just ate lunch,” Biden said before considering the options on the menu and then asking the staff for their recommendation. They suggested the $6 fried cheese — balls of fried cheese, with tomato sauce and pasta. “This is a meal,” he said, after being handed the plate. “Holy mackerel.” He handed over a $20 bill and didn’t ask for any change. “Good recommendation, man,” he said after tasting the dish.
Biden posed for a few photos with the food in hand, before passing it off to an aide. He kept on greeting fairgoers, including a little boy with a dark blonde buzz cut. “I used to have hair like that. Look what happened,” he said.
One woman, who the pool later identified as Bev Kalmer, of Poland, Ohio, told the VP: “Welcome to Ohio.” His response: “I’ve been waitin’ all day to be here.”
She said “You gotta keep the chair” to him — a reference to Clint Eastwood’s speech last night at the RNC — and he gave her a kiss right on the lips. She swooned. Asked if she wants Biden to run for president in 2016, she told the pool: “I don’t know. We’ve got to keep the chair.” She paused. “You got that? The invisible chair.”
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