Anyone who believes a word that comes out of Joe Biden’s mouth about Republicans wanting to put black people “back in chains”, or the long-standing Democrat lie about Republicans being racist, are compete idiots who must not have taken a history class in their lives, or they just don’t care that they have been brainwashed to support the very same party that fought President Lincoln and the Republicans in the Civil War to keep black people in the chains of slavery.
People need to pull their heads out of their asses and bother to find out the truth, rather than blindly accepting the lies that Democrats are still telling to try and hide from the Democrat’s racist and slave-driving past, which is still very much alive in the Democrat Party today.
The truth is, that it was Republicans who fought, and gave their lives, to free slaves in the Civil War, and it was the Confederate Democrats fought to keep black people in the chains of slavery. Plain and simple, and anything else is a lie. If you don’t believe us, do some research for yourself.
Jefferson Davis was a Democrat U.S. Senator and also became the pro-slavery provisional President of the Confederate States of America, who led the southern state Democrats shameful fight to keep slavery alive. | |
Robert E. Lee was a Democrat and General of the Confederate Army, who led many men to their deaths in the name of keeping slavery alive. Even after losing the war, Robert E. Lee opposed the Republican proposals to give freed slaves the right to vote. | |
John Wilkes Booth was a Democrat who strongly opposed the abolition of slavery in the United States, and who assassinated President Lincoln as retribution for freeing the slaves. | |
Jim Crow laws were enacted by Democrats to segregate public schools, public places, and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks. | |
Even all the way up to modern times, Democrats have been racist haters of black people. | |
Robert Byrd was a Democrat senator until June 28, 2010, and was a self-admitted KKK member who rose to be the “Exalted Cyclops”, or top officer in the local Klan unit, before openly being a racist pig in the KKK fell out of favor with the Democrat party. | |
Republicans Ended Slavery | |
Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, and the great man who freed the slaves, despite the Democrats fighting every way they could to keep slavery alive. “all men are created equal” These are Republican words and ideas which Democrats opposed. |
If you don’t believe us, do some research on your own and you will see why the Democrats do not want the Black Community knowing the truth about the Democrat party, which is and always has been the party of racism and slavery in America.
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