This is why the corrupt Democrats and the “White House Leaker in Chief” will not allow a proper investigation of the national security leaks.
In the Scooter Libby case, which was FAR less damaging than Obama’s security leaks, Democrats demanded a special prosecutor, and ended up with a 30 month prison sentence, even though Valerie Plame was not even a covert CIA agent at the time.
Democrats refuse appointing a special prosecutor for Obama’s security leaks, which are the worst Oval Office security breaches in the history of our nation, and have put thousands of lives in danger.
Senate Democrats blocked a resolution introduced by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to introduce an outside special counsel to investigate a number of recent military and intelligence leaks.
McCain introduced a resolution Tuesday expressing the Senate’s support for Holder to appoint a special prosecutor. But Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) objected after McCain asked for unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to consideration of his resolution.
“What is at issue here is whether or not we are going to give an opportunity for U.S. attorneys, professionals in their fields, to handle this particular inquiry,” Wyden said. “And I see no evidence, Mr. President, that the way U.S. attorneys are handling this investigation at this time is not with the highest standards of professionalism.”
McCain said that recent military leaks and intelligence leaks warranted outside legal counsel to investigate the leaks.
“The damage to our national security has been articulated by many both in and outside the administration,” McCain said.
A week earlier, McCain had called for a special counsel to look into a number of leaks related to a report about an Obama administration “kill list” of terrorists as well as a story about a U.S. cyber attack against Iran. Democrats have so far refused to back McCain on the resolution.
“So, here we are with a very serious breach of national security, in the view of some the most serious breach in recent history, and it clearly cries out for the appointment of a special counsel,” McCain said during a colloquy on the Senate floor with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). “I would remind my colleagues, and my friend from South Carolina will remind our colleagues, that when the Valerie Plame investigation was going on my colleagues on the other side of the aisle argued strenuously for the appointment of special counsel at that time.”
Specifically, the resolution would require Holder to “all unauthorized disclosures of classified and highly sensitive information related to various United States military and intelligence plans, programs, and operations reported in recent publications.” The resolution would have given the counsel authority to investigate the leaks independent of the Justice Department. It also required the counsel to assess how much of the damage of the leaks could be repaired.
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