Weakest President In History Wants to Further Decimate U.S. Safety and Security by Reducing Nuclear Weapons by 80 Percent!!
If the American People allow Obama to endanger our country in this way, we will be far more likely to be attacked or even invaded by our enemies, but Obama doesn’t care if his policies make the United States far weaker and more vulnerable, as long as he and his terrorist-loving administration get re=elected, so they can continue handing out our hard-earned tax dollars to their liberal, Socialist, and Marxist friends and supporters.
Reducing the U.S. nuclear force by 80 percent, a move under consideration by the White House, amounts to unilateral disarmament at a time when “the Iranians are nuking up,” Rush Limbaugh said today on his radio show.
“There are some things happening today that are downright scary,” Limbaugh said. “The regime, led by Barack Hussein Obama, is weighing options for reducing our U.S. nuclear force. Folks, this is staggering. Meanwhile, the Iranians are nuking up.”
The conservative talk-show host said the nuclear weapons reductions will not make the world safer and instead will shift the balance of power away from America.
“We are unilaterally disarming,” he said. “We are not requiring the Russians to go along, and even if the Russians said they would match these reductions, they lie. That is the lesson of the Russians and nukes.”
A report by The Associated Press that Limbaugh read on the air said the United States could reduce the number of deployed weapons to 300.
“The last time we had 300 warheads was in the ’50s,” he said. “If we reduce to 300, we will have fewer nuclear weapons than [China.]”
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