Fake News Purveyor CBS has ONCE AGAIN been completely busted running fake stories, including one doozie where CBS tries to make it seem that the handicapped teenage victim of the Chicago hate crime torture was perpetrated by White kids against a black victim, which is the exact opposite of the truth. Listen to the clip below, and try to not puke.
The corrupt fake news networks will continue to try and push their fake stories that are designed to piss off the triggered libtard loser snowflakes, while making conservatives and especially White People look like monsters.
CBS has not corrected their corruption or lies surrounding their fake news, and we fell that 90% of the so-called “news” stories found on CBS are what we and most others would call “FAKE NEWS”.
People and stories from CBS should never again be trusted as truthful or fact, and the American People should fight back against the fake news, false propaganda and lies that freely flow from this corrupt organization on a daily basis, and just turn off CBS and the other guilty networks.
A news report from CBS Radio implied the attackers who kidnapped and beat a disabled man last week were white Trump supporters.
The report aired Thursday egregiously skewed and omitted details regarding the high-profile assault, making it seem as though the assailants were white and the victim a helpless black man.
The viral video of a beating and knife attack in Chicago suggests the assault had racial overtones. CBS’s Dean Reynolds tells us the victim is described as a mentally-challenged teenager.
In the video he is choked and repeatedly called the n-word. His clothes are slashed and he is terrorized with a knife. His alleged captors repeatedly reference Donald Trump. Police are holding four people in connection with the attack.
The reporting was in reference to an attack that took place last week broadcast on Facebook Live, in which four black Chicagoans kidnapped a white disabled man, beat him, scalped him, forced him to drink from the toilet and made him say, “Fuck Trump,” and, “Fuck white people.”
The CBS clip, which has been deleted, was caught by Mediaite who claimed the report was “technically correct, but widely misleading.”
“By noting the attackers used the n-word during a racially-motivated attack while ‘referencing’ Donald Trump, the clear implication is that the victim was black and his attackers were racist Trump fans,” Mediaite reported.
Thomas Lifson of The American Thinker writes, “This may be the single most despicable act of media bias I have ever encountered.”
“Now consider for a moment how difficult it must have been for CBS News employees to make themselves bulletproof (in their minds, at least) by being factual, yet create a counterfactual message in the minds of its listeners,” writes Lifson. “This is the sort of lying that takes skill and practice.”
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