This racist piece of shit skank whore should be charged with child abuse for the way she treats her son for his beliefs, and the authorities should take her kids away from her permanently!!
This lady could have used the opportunity to have a conversation with her kid about her feelings on Donald Trump, but threatening to throw her 5-6 year old son out of the house is completely wrong, and should not be tolerated.
This stupid fucking bitch is not a mother, and should not be allowed to continue abusing the kids in her home.
This is child abuse.
A liberal Hillary-supporting mother abused her young son and threatened to kick him out of her home for supporting Donald Trump.boy-abused-trump-son
The young boy is seen crying as she tells him to leave her house.
She packed a bag for him and it is sitting at the door.As the boy is screaming the mother tells him,
“We don’t do Donald Trump here. Now get your suitcase. Bye.”
This will make you sick to your stomach.
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