Barack Obama is a bad liar, an even worse president, but a really successful terrorist sympathizer!
Obama claims that the $400 million IN CASH sent to the Iranians was not a ransom payment, but one of the freed hostages says differently, and claims that their plane was held up, and not allowed to leave until the airplane with the $400 million arrived.
Obama is the #1 supporter of terrorists in the world.
- Obama has released many of the most dangerous terrorists from Gitmo.
- Obama REFUSES to uphold the laws of the United States and has opened the borders of the United States to all illegals, leeches, criminals, and even terrorist sleeper cells who are here to kill Americans.
- Obama is releasing hundreds of criminals inside the United States from long prison sentences.
- Obama/Holder put hundreds of high-powered weapons in the hands of gang members and other dangerous criminals in Fast & Furious.
- Obama REFUSES to call Islamic Terrorism for what it is, and will blame everything under the sun for attacks instead of calling them what they are.
- Obama has given $400 million to the Iranians, and plans on giving them a LOT more, which they admit they KNOW the money will be used for terror attacks against us.
- Obama has intentionally created a war in the black community against all police officers with his stupid remarks about cases he knows nothing about.
- Obama has decimated the United States military, making us the weakest we have been in decades, at a time when our nation need to be the strongest.
Obama needs to FOR ONCE tell the truth and admit that the $400 million payment to Iran was a ransom payment to free the hostages, because everyone in the world knows that is the truth, and Obama just looks even more like a stupid lying piece of shit for continuing to lie about it.
On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “The Intelligence Report with Trish Regan,” Saeed Abedini, one of the four hostages released from Iran back in January, stated that on the night he was freed, his captors told him they were waiting on another plane to arrive before letting him go.
Abedini said, “I just remember the night that we’d been in a[n] airport, just take hours and hours there. And I asked one of the…police that was with us, that, why are you not letting us to go to the…plane? And he told me we are waiting for another plane, and if that plane take off, then we’re going to let you go.”
He added, “[T]hey told us you’re going to be there for 20 minutes. But it took like hours and hours. We slept at the airport, and when I asked them why you don’t let us go, because the plane was there, pilot was there, everyone was ready that we leave the country, they said we are waiting for another plane, and until that plane doesn’t come, we never let you go.”
Abedini was then asked, “Were they effectively waiting for the money to come in before they then let you take off?” He answered, “Yeah. They didn’t talk about money. They just told us about the — they told me about the plane. … So, the reason that they said you’re here in the airport is — was just because we are waiting for another plane.”
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