Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, refuses to say who made the decision to edit the Orlando terrorist’s 911 tapes, taking out all mention of Islam.
When asked who made the decision to edit the Orlando terrorist’s statements made in his 911 calls, Lynch said “I’m not going to go into the detail of the process behind it”

Obama Sock Puppet AG Loretta Lynch Refuses to Say Who Made Decision to Edit “Pre-Washed” 911 Transcripts
Lynch is obviously either protecting herself, or Obama, because one of them had to make the decision to do such an unethical and stupid thing in such a huge case of domestic terrorism, created by Obama’s weakness and over all cover and support for the terrorists by releasing them from prison, allowing them into the country, and when caught, giving them American rights, clogging up our court system with illegals and terrorists using Obama’s weakness and our legal system to set up “Sleeper Cell Central” here in the United States.
Even the “full transcripts” that they claim are “unedited” have most likely been pre-washed of a lot of additional information. If this is not the case, then we already know what was said, so they should just go ahead and release the tapes. That’s probably not going to happen though because then they would expose themselves as the anti-American liars they really are.
Loretta Lynch isn’t a true Attorney General. Lynch is really just a brainless sock puppet for Obama and his anti-American policies, and will parrot anything that Obama instructs her to say.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch refused Wednesday to say who made the decision to remove references to the Islamic State and its leader from the publicly released version of a transcript of a 911 call involving the Orlando nightclub shooter.
“The goal is of course the greatest transparency. The initial thought was we did not want to provide a further platform for the propaganda of the killer. Once it became an issue, we decided we would go ahead and release the full transcript,” Lynch said Wednesday during a press conference about a crackdown on Medicare fraud.
Pressed on who decided to remove the references to ISIL, as well as the name of deceased shooter Omar Mateen, Lynch remained vague.
“I’m not going to go into the detail of the process behind it,” Lynch said. “Our review was not to further spread the propaganda, but once it became a distraction, we released the whole transcript.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2016/06/loretta-lynch-orlando-shooter-transcript-224666#ixzz4CPSsZ4Ij
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