What the fuck is the deal with the vast majority of Democrats breaking the law to evade paying their taxes?
You just don’t see conservatives cheating on their taxes in the very high percentages that we see in the Democrat party.

Most Democrats Are Criminals Who Feel They Are Above Paying Taxes – MSNBC Employees Do Not Pay Taxes Until Forced
There needs to be an in-depth investigation into tax evaders in the United States, and anyone found to be cheating on their taxes should, at the very least, not be able to hold any government position, and should absolutely pay for their crimes.
I’m not talking paying the government back the back taxes these Democrat criminals owe the American Taxpayer, and claiming it was an “accounting error” as they all do, and be let off scott free.
These despicable tax evading criminals, like MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry, AL Sharpton, Toure Neblett, and Keith Olberman, as well as the thousands of Democrat tax evaders working for the Democrat party, need to spend some time behind bars.
As of just a few years ago US government employees owed over $38 million in back taxes to the American People.
In the House of Representatives, 421 people owed a total $6,524,892. In the Senate, 217 owed $2,774,836. In the IRS’ parent department, Treasury, 1,204 owed $7,670,814. At the Labor Department, where Secretary Hilda Solis’ husband had some back-tax problems before her confirmation, 463 owed $7,481,463. Eighty-one workers for the Federal Reserve System’s board of governors owed $1,076,733.
Even at the most corrupt Justice Department in US history, 1,971 employees owed at least $14,350,152 in overdue taxes.
Former MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry has quietly settled her $70,302 federal tax lien that attracted massive media attention last year, turning the spotlight on her fellow stars’ own outstanding debts.
Perry last April told Winston-Salem Journal reporter Michael Hewlett that she and her husband were repaying the money and had already put down $21,272. And unlike Al Sharpton’s similar comments about his own mammoth tax bill — swallowed whole by ace media reporter Dylan Byers-she was actually telling the truth!
Hewlett disclosed Wednesday that Harris-Perry and her husband settled the remaining debt on October 13, 2015.
The Perrys ponied up even though their liability was a one day story. How refreshing that two public figures — James Perry heads the Winston-Salem Urban League — actually did the right thing without any public pressure.
Melissa Harris-Perry did not even tweet about it!
Alas, MSNBC host Al Sharpton still owes nearly $600,000 in personal taxes to New York state that Byers, peddling MSNBC spin as objective fact, reported that he was incrementally paying back. Actually, the judgments have been gathering dust since first issued in 2008 and 2009.
Of course, MSNBC national correspondent Joy-Ann Reid still owes New York some $5,000 in taxes. Toure Neblett, another former MSNBC host, settled his $46,000 debt about three months after Byers said he was in the process of paying it down. But there is no evidence indication online he was making partial payments in April 2015 as Byers suggested.
He did not pay off a separate $12,849.87 tax warrant until this March.
So, basically, Byers batted one for four. That is a really poor average for a baseball hitter and even worse for a journalist.
Especially when he decided to take Al Sharpton, of all people, at his word. Who else is Byers giving the benefit of the doubt these days?
And, what’s up with Sharpton and Reid anyway? Do they think high taxes are just, with apologies to Rudyard Kipling, the white man’s burden?
Clearly, MSNBC, despite its incessant coverage of the rich supposedly not paying their fair share of taxes, is not pressuring them to settle the debts. Management is not always so diffident.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org