Salisbury University Noose Drawing Proved To Be Just Another Race Hoax Perpetrated By Worthless Black Racists
Another day, another race hoax, perpetrated by worthless black racist losers.
The noose drawing that was found on a whiteboard in the library, along with the word “Nigger” and the hashtag #whitepower, was being investigated as a hate crime until the authorities found out the truth.
And the truth is that the racist drawing was done by two black people (probably students), and not a White person as they tried to claim.
“I confirm two students have been identified, and are both African American.” – Salisbury University English Associate Professor James King
Black people are truly fucking themselves worse than they already have by continually supporting their slave masters in the Democrat Party, because now when there are claims of racism or attacks on black people, most people assume that the claims are another fake race hoax, and ignore the story all together.
I bet the school or authorities will never release the names of the piece of shit racist black people who drew the image and made up the hoax.
If the authorities do release the name of the race hoaxters, I hope they are attacked as worthless racist losers everyday, in every facet of their miserable lives.
School officials confirmed earlier this week that the people behind the racist drawings discovered on the Salisbury University library are black.
An image was found on a whiteboard in Blackwell library, depicting a stick figure hanging labeled with a racial slur “#whitepower.”
The university confirmed Tuesday, April 26, the students involved in the incident were black, spokesman Richard Culver wrote in an email. The university would not provide names of the students, citing the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
After the university police conducted its investigation, in consultation with the Wicomico County States Attorney office, the department decided not to press criminal charges. However, the students responsible could face disciplinary action from the university.
“Regardless of who created the drawing, we find such actions demeaning to all members of the campus community and against our core values,” Dane Foust, vice president of Student Affairs, said in a statement provided by Culver.
Following the incident, the president of the university, Janet Dudley-Eshbach, released a statement saying, “Diversity is a core value of SU, and reports of such acts are taken seriously. The university will not tolerate this kind of language or behavior.”
Not entirely “seriously,” apparently.
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