Los Angeles Rams running back Tre Mason was tazed and busted after being caught doing 70MPH in a 35MPH zone, and faces charges of resisting arrest, possession of cannabis, reckless driving and failure to register a motor vehicle. What a fucking loser!

LA Rams NFL Player Tre Mason Tazed For Resisting Arrest After Being Busted Speeding – Cops “Smelled marijuana” In Porsche
Police say that Mason led them on a short chase before stoping, and upon searching the vehicle they found a bag of marijuana, along with a cigar containing marijuana and a burnt bud that smelled like cannabis.
Tre Mason’s speeding alone is enough to have his license suspended, but the “great resistance” to the police, and the marijuana found in the car should warrant jail-time and an immediate dismissal by the NFL.
The NFL should also immediately administer a drug test for Tre Mason, but the chances of that are not very good because it is in the NFL’s best interests to hide the crimes of their criminal employees.
It’s not a shock that the NFL doesn’t want the American public to know that the NFL is FILLED with dangerous criminals, who break the law on a regular basis – and that unless there is a video leaked to the public, NFL player’s crimes usually get swept under the rug by high priced lawyers and a football league who makes money from hiding the truth about their criminal players.
Flashback: Tre Mason was one of the dumbfuck racist St Louis Rams players who ran out onto the football field with his hands raised, in solidarity with the fake “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” lie.
Florida police tased Los Angeles Rams running back Tre Mason after he refused to cooperate during a traffic stop on Saturday.
According to ESPN, Mason refused to provide personal identification after being pulled over going 70 mph in a 35 mph zone.
Officer Lester Cochenour said he “smelled marijuana in Mason’s Porsche” and “warned the defendant if he did not identify himself he would be subject to arrest and he smirked as he was making eye contact.”
After Officer Cochenour placed Mason under arrest, the former Auburn star braced himself in the car and showed “great resistance” when additional officers tried to remove him.
“The defendant was warned several times in a composed voice to stop resisting, exit the vehicle and if he did not comply with arrest, a Taser would be used,” Cochenour wrote in his report.
Mason earned the Rams’ starting job after being selected in the third round of the 2014 draft.
He totaled 765 yards and four touchdowns during his rookie campaign but was supplanted by former UGA back Todd Gurley in 2015.
The Rams addressed Mason’s arrest in a Sunday statement:
We are very disappointed to learn of an incident involving Tre Mason in the Miami, Fla., area Saturday afternoon. We are in the process of obtaining more information about the facts surrounding this incident and will have no further comment at this time.
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