Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Finally Files Lawsuit Against Rolling Stone Over Fake Rape Story

The libtard magazine, Rolling Stone, which used to write about music and bands, is now more of a political Democrat shill rag that spews endless fake stories and political lies, and now they are being sued for $25 million by the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity for running, and standing by, the obviously fake rape story, made up by a stupid lying bitch who wasn’t raped or physically abused in any way.

Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Finally Files Lawsuit Against Rolling Stone Over Fake Rape Story

Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Finally Files Lawsuit Against Rolling Stone Over Fake Rape Story

Rolling Stone does not deserve to receive a dime from the American People, because Rolling Stone doesn’t care about at least half of the American People, and will lie and make up things to try and make conservatives look as bad as possible.

Screw Rolling Stone! We hope that the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity is awarded every penny of the $25 million they are asking for, and I hope Rolling Stone goes bankrupt and is forced to close.

Rolling Stone destroyed whatever was left of its journalistic credibility by running a libelous accusation of a horrible crime. Now the magazine is looking at a huge lawsuit from the young men who were defamed.

WaPo’s T. Rees Shapiro has done some really good work on this story, and he has the latest:

The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity chapter at the University of Virginia filed a $25 million lawsuit Monday against Rolling Stone magazine, which published an article in 2014 that alleged a freshman was gang raped at the house during a party.

The lawsuit focuses on a Rolling Stone article titled “A Rape on Campus,” which detailed a harrowing attack on a freshman named Jackie at the Phi Psi house on Sept. 28, 2012. The article, written by Sabrina Rubin Erdely, described how Jackie was raped by seven men while two others watched in a second floor bedroom while a fraternity party raged downstairs. The article alleged that the attack was part of a hazing ritual at the long-time U-Va. fraternity.

It wasn’t part of any hazing ritual. It never even happened. It was an extraordinary claim from a troubled young woman, without the extraordinary evidence needed to back it up. Or, as it turned out, any evidence at all. Erdely and her editors ran with the story in spite of all the red flags that popped up along the way. They just knew that these frat bros were guilty. After all, they’re privileged white males, aren’t they?

Yes, of course rape exists, and it’s horrible. That doesn’t mean an accusation of rape serves as its own proof. The seriousness of the crime is all the more reason to make sure there’s evidence of the crime.

Somehow, we’ve forgotten that as a society. Somehow, asking if a crime really happened is painted as a denial that such crimes ever happen. It’s insane and it needs to stop.

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