Mentally Deranged or Dishonest? – Nancy Pelosi Says Planned Parenthood Horror Videos Are Fake

Brainless libtard Nancy Pelosi is laughably claiming that the Planned Parenthood horror videos that show Planned Parenthood employees tearing apart murdered babies to harvest their organs for sale to the highest bidder on the Black Market are fake, even though she admits that she has never watched the videos. Yea, that’s credible, isn’t it? NOT!

Mentally Deranged or Dishonest? - Nancy Pelosi Says Planned Parenthood Horror Videos Are Fake

Mentally Deranged or Dishonest? – Nancy Pelosi Says Planned Parenthood Horror Videos Are Fake

Nancy Pelosi is a liar who is also seriously mentally deranged, and I love that she is a Democrat who likes to speak out about things, because every time she opens her mouth, she looks more stupid, deranged and out of touch with reality.

Nancy Pelosi has shown over and over that she is not playing with a full deck, and is probably very highly medicated at all times.

If I were around the mental midget Nancy Pelosi, I would tell her to shut the fuck up and go take her psycho meds – she needs them!

Someone should seriously have Nancy Pelosi committed to a mental institution, because she has absolutely no clue what is real and fake, and really has no business being someone that the American People rely on to have the mental capacity to make laws that the rest of us have to abide by.

Until then, we will all be amused by her brainless stupidity, and that of the Democrat Culture of Corruption.

Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi told interviewer Jake Tapper that the controversial undercover videos by the activists at Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood doctors negotiating prices for fetal tissue are not real:

“I don’t stipulate that these videos are real. And the fact is — and fact is that the research that is being criticized there is research that has been supported. No, I haven’t seen — I’ve seen some news reports of it, but I also know that it’s not real and you can create any reality that you want.”

So she hasn’t seen the videos but they can’t be real, because that’s not a reality Pelosi is willing to accept, much less defend. It’s called being in denial. She continued,

“And I think they should be investigated as to how they obtained those and doctored those and had them be accepted as something that was an indictment against Planned Parenthood because that’s not true.”

As Pelosi went on she grew increasingly incomprehensible:

“I do think that Planned Parenthood is many people that consist of many state organizations and some of them not as, how shall I say, aware of the assault that was going to be made on them and they spoke in a way that could be misinterpreted.”

The series of damning short videos has repeatedly been attacked as “heavily edited” and “doctored,” even though the full-length versions are online for anyone to view. No one yet has been able to point to any evidence of misleading editing or doctoring.

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