The brainless jackhole, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, held a press conference to try and justify the totally fucking stupid $6.4 million payoff to the family of Freddy Gray, after he died of self-inflicted injuries.

Brainless Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake Tries Justifying Stupid $6.4 Million Payout to Freddy Gray Family
There is absolutely no reason to give the Gray family $6.4 million, especially because the officers have not been found guilty of anything.
As members of the Baltimore police have said, “There has been no civil litigation filed, nor has there been any guilt determined that would require such a ridiculous reaction on the part of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and her administration.”
This is dirty money, and I’m sure that a lot more will come out about this payout, which may be illegal, and may also lead to investigations of the so-called leaders of the shithole murder-capital city of Baltimore.
The city of Baltimore is settling with the family of Freddie Gray in a wrongful death suit for millions of dollars and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake appeared before the press Wednesday to justify the decision.
“Faced with the prospect of significant legal expenses involved in an extended federal lawsuit, as well as the potential liability that could come with an unfavorable jury verdict, our city’s attorneys came to the conclusion that the $6.4 million settlement is in the best interest of protecting taxpayers,” the mayor said.
But Baltimore police officers aren’t buying this line. Lt. Gene Ryan of the city’s Fraternal Order of Police said in a statement: “There has been no civil litigation filed, nor has there been any guilt determined that would require such a ridiculous reaction on the part of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and her administration.”
However, the city is hoping that this outpouring of good will appease a still-enraged community. From the Baltimore Board of Estimates statement:
This settlement has nothing whatsoever to do with the criminal proceedings underway. The purpose of the civil settlement is to bring an important measure of closure to the family, the community, and the city.
This statement, paired with the mayor’s claim that they are “protecting taxpayers,” is leading many to read between the lines that this is perhaps a way to prevent future riots. The city is also getting ahead of any taxpayer outrage ensuring that the high-dollar payment is going to be “easy” to make. The board says the money will come from other lawsuits won by the city and from other savings. The plan is to give the family $2.8 million this year and $3.6 million next year.
But still, many believe the message being sent is that rioting pays.
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