The racist piece of shit Muslim terrorist nut-job, Louis Farrakhan, is actively trying to recruit 10,000 black people to start murdering White people.

Crazy Piece of Shit Muslim Terrorist Louis Farrakhan Calls on 10,000 Blacks to Start Killing White People
“we must rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”
Ha Ha! If the crazy piece of shit Muslim terrorist, Louis Farrakhan, wants Black people to “kill those who kill us”, then that is really just calling for more Black on Black murder, because the vast majority of Blacks killed are killed by other Blacks. Pure and simple!
So yea, go for it.. and society will realize that nothing changed, because Blacks are killing other Blacks faster than we can even count.
Just look at how many Blacks kill each other outside rap concerts. Every week we hear about another case of Blacks shooting indiscriminately into a crowd of Blacks, and other races, as the innocent victims walk out of the concert venue.
Maybe Americans need an army of White people to track down the piece of shit terrorist Louis Farrakhan, and kill him, before he can incite a race war. Believe me, the world would rejoice if/when Louis Farrakhan is killed.
Last week in Miami at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan said he was looking for “10,000 fearless men” to “rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”
Farrakhan said “I’m looking for 10,000 in the midst of a million. Ten thousand fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny. Death is sweeter than continuing to live and bury our children while the white folks give our killers hamburgers. Death is sweeter than watching us slaughter each other to the joy of a 400-year-old enemy. Death is sweeter. The Quran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter. Then it says retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain. Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breasts of those whose children have been slain. So if the federal government won’t intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”
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